Part 2: Chapter 4: The Warning

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Newest fictional boyfriend: 💚Draco Malfoy💚

Y/n's POV

There have been lots of bad things happening in the Capital. The rebels are really going at it. District 5 exploded the dam that is the capital's power source; there have been fires and riots, and much more horrible things happening. President Snow is blaming it on Gale. Gale is basically the face of the rebellion. The Capital is forcing me to tell them to stop. We've done 2 interviews already and they're making me do another one pretty soon.

As days go by they pump more and more venom into my veins and straight into my brain. They beat me and cut me, and they don't stop. I found out not too long ago that the Capital will be bombing District 13. If they don't evacuate they will all be dead. I wish I could warn them somehow, they need to know. If I tell them during the interview...very bad things would happen to me. But I don't care anymore. They all need to live, they need to win the rebellion. I'll give them a warning during the next interview.

For this next interview, I'm going to be saying everything bad has happened because of the rebels. And I'm, yet again, going to be forced to convince them to stop. I don't want them to stop though. They need to keep doing what they're doing, because if they do then they could win. And everything would be okay again.

The prep team puts me in another dress and sends me to the interview room. This one isn't with Caesar, it's just me. There are peacekeepers around me, but the cameras can't see them. If I say anything rebellious, then they will most likely beat me again. But what's new?

Gale's POV

I was eating dinner at the usual table I eat at, when Boggs came over and told me that I was wanted in command.

"Okay," I got up and followed him to command. As we entered I heard a familiar voice, yet it sounded different at the same time. It was Y/n.

"Tonight, we received reports of derailed trains, of granaries on fire, and of a savage attack on the hydroelectric dam in District 5. I'm begging for restraint and decency." Y/n said. Beetee clicked a few things on the computer in front of him and Y/n had a scared look on her face. 

"That's it, that's our footage," Coin said. It was the footage we got of district 12. The screen changed back to Y/n.

"Gale?" Y/n said

"She sees it," Coin said

"Gale, are you there?" I walked up to the screen


"Y/n, please continue" I heard someone say to her. It was Caesar. "You were telling us about these savage attacks"

"Yeah. The attack on the dam was a callous, and inhuman act of destruction..." It showed our propo again and Y/n looked even more terrified. "Think about it. How will this end? What will be left? No one can survive this. No one is safe now. Not here in the Capital. Not in any of the districts...They're coming, Gale. They're gonna kill everyone. And in district 13 you'll be dead by morning!" Peacekeepers grabbed her and the camera fell. The last thing that was on the camera was a splash of blood on the floor and a scream of pain.

"Y/n!" I said

"it's a warning. That was a warning." Haymitch said

"We have to get them out before they kill her." I said,

"is there anything in the air?" Coin asked

"No, nothing yet," A military person said 

"He was in the mansion he could have overheard something"

Gale Hawthorne X Reader -The World Has Caught Fire-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora