Shuhei Hisagi ft. Muguruma kensei

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(Authors note: what character would everyone like to see? I've yet to write kisuke but for some reason I find his character very hard to write ;-; Also if I wrote a new book for just rengoku would y'all read it?)

It wasn't as if Shuhei hated himself, it was quite the opposite. He was strong, mature and level headed but whenever (Your Name) entered the room he would curl into a little ball and hide all his emotions. The feeling of jealously and envy carved his heart every time he thought or saw her.

As lieutenant of the 9th squad he had duties to uphold but he was poker faced watching the scene in front of him. He thought about nothing and only wanted to lay in bed to feel sorry for himself.

"Kensei! How many times did I tell you not to eat so fast!" (Your Name) scowled as she stood behind the muscular man with a cup of water and slapping his back.

"Oi! I'll really choke if you keep slapping me women!" The older man grumbled rubbing the part where it stung.

She looked down in concern and apologized before kissing the part where she slapped. Sensing a third person in the room she looked up to see Shuhei. He was standing still and looking straight ahead.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" (Your Name) gasped as she looked down in embarrassment.

Shuhei chose to ignore her voice as he informed his Captain about the whereabouts of some new recruits he settled in.

"That's great, thank you for the hard work. You want some kid?" Kensei asks picking up an extra bento (Your Name) had brought. It was slightly decorated childishly but was stuff with protein and veggies, it was made with craft and love.

"I'll pass." And with that Shuhei bowed before walking out.

(Your Name) looked down sadly as she remembered the good times they shared together. He became so cold to her, sometime acting as if she never existing in the first place. She knitted her brows in frustration as the room became quiet.

She couldn't remember when it all started but as time flew he disassociated himself completely from her.

"Are y'all fighting or something?" Kensei asks noticing his girlfriend had became really quiet after seeing the dark haired lieutenant. She shook her head and gave him a sad smile.

"See you at home."

Watching his girlfriend leave the room a little less happy he raised an eyebrow. The two children he had came to know acted as if they never knew each other.

"Shuhei!" She called out happily as she ran after the taller man who happen to be taking a nap out in the sun. He groaned from grogginess and lifted his head to see (Your Name) running in his direction.

He smiled softly to her and extended his hand out as she took it softly in hers.

"What's going on?" Shuhei asks in heavy concern not noticing her face was smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm going on a date!"

His smile fell a little, but he couldn't understand why she was so happy. 'So she was going on a date? So what.'

"With who?" His voice becoming a little possessive as (Your Name) tilted her head in confusion with his tone of voice. "I mean with who?! I'm sure you will have fun." He try to play it off as she started to smile again.

"Secret. I'll tell you who if we ever get serious."

Shuhei walks back into his room, the place was a bit messy. It was hard to get out of bed these days. There was trash in a corner and his clothes thrown into a pile across the room. His fridge was empty as he sighed in defeat. He wish only a little to take that extra bento. Removing his top for some extra air he sat on his bed with his head down.

Bleach x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora