Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez

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(Author note: Unhealthy relationship?¿ to something more?¿)

Are you fucking kidding me." (Your Name) says as the apartment door opens and a sick looking Grimmjow opens it with his baggy hoodie and sweats on. His hair a mess and a scowl on his face.

"Shut up, be lucky I texted you."

She rolled her eyes and set down the grocery bag on the kitchen table before walking up to him and setting her hand on his forehead.

"Your forehead is burning and yeah whatever I forget I'm one of the hoes."

"Tch." Grimmjow exclaims and falls into the couch taking (Your Name) with him as he cuddled into her neck and groaned.

"Is he trying to turn me on or take care of him."

Grimmjow stayed like that for a few minutes before giving her a grin "My favorite one of all." and then preceded to cough like crazy as she made a nasty face and got into the kitchen leaving his warmth behind. It was mostly quiet as she started the burner to make him soup and measure out the liquid medicine.

"You didn't have to come." He then says burning a whole on her head as Grimmjow watched her every move. He absolutely hated her because of the way she made him feel. His big alpha energy was nearly nonexistent at this point whenever they were together.

"Oh shut up, who's gonna take care of you then."

After finishing the soup she placed it in front of him and made a new ice pack.

Grimmjow wanted to tease her but was in to much pain to even speak.

"Here." She offered holding the ice behind his neck while Grimmjow consumed the soup.

"It's fucking cold!" He complained trying to get away but she insisting on leaving it on him grabbing onto his arm.

"Stop complaining or you won't get better and you better take the cough syrup I left next to your water." She scowled as he grumbled and downed the medicine and chugged the rest of the water.

The night was getting late as (Your Name) insist they watch her show because she made dinner for him. Grimmjow couldn't tell if it was because he was sick but he wanted to confess his feeling towards (Your Name) then and there but yet he didn't because he didn't know where their relationship stood at. They both agreed friends with benefits and that was it.

Grimmjow knew she deserved a better man than he was.

"It's late, you should get to bed soon, I'll make another ice pack before I leave." She says leaving the couch as Grimmjow shook his head.

"No stay."

(Your Name) paused her walk to the kitchen because he had never invited her to stay before, her dignity was about to be thrown out the window but she wanted the opportunity to be close to Grimmjow every chance she got.

"You are sick, I can catch it." She defends opening the freezer as he got up from the couch also and hugged her lower waist, burying his face into the crock of her neck.

"Just please stay."

"Fine." There was silence between them before she handed him another ice pack and then they made their way into his room.

The night was sleepless for (Your Name) as she continued to hear his light snores and Grimmjow using her as a body pillow, she didn't think Grimmjow was a hugger at night.

"I just wish he felt the same way about me. I know he is just using me. Playing with my feelings but I give in every time."

A few days had passed since she had last seen Grimmjow, she left the next morning because of class but he hadn't text or call her since.

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