Urahara Kisuke

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(Authors note: I've been gone for a while I'm so sorry, I really wanted to throw a Kisuke one shot out so here we go. I'm sorry it's a short story but I'm debating about making a second part, because it has potential)

"Project: (Your Name)." Urahara says softly as he awoken the mod soul. The vibrant colors of her eyes slowly opened as she blinked slowly to meet the man who awoken her.

He smiles, his light beige hair messy from the experiments and sleepless nights but non the less he was proud of the progress he made so far since he started project: (your name).

"Kisuke you didn't-" Yoruichi shockingly gasps as she made her way to his underground lab. Of course with ease, Urahara these days was restless and tiring. She automatically knew her good old friend was up to no good.... again. Rather he was not conspicuous of his new experiment.

Everyone knew it was wrong, there was no doubt what Urahara did was right. Almost an act of god could achieve this but he was determined. Determined to bring her back.

(Your Name) softly inhaled the air and touch the ground with her foot. Everything seemed blurry to her, like she was asleep for a long time.

"Who am I?" She then asks the two adults in the room. Urahara smiled, the project was a success. Yoruichi looked back at (your name) with sadness.

"(Your Name). This is your name." Urahara says as he takes you by the shoulder and exams your naked body. For a second you walked backwards, you were in a vulnerable state right now. These two people you didn't know were watching you, staring at you with your exposed body out.

"Why do you guys stare at me like this?" (Your Name) asks in a worried voice, it was shaky and uneven. She was scared. She couldn't remember anything but this moment now.

"(Your Name)." Yoruichi calls out lightly, the dark women looked at her with a sad face. One that was unreadable if she liked her or not.

"I'll explain in the meantime! Now let's get you dressed! We don't want the perverts to be staring!" Urahara says now with a cheeky grin as he puts his hands around (Your Name) waist. His touch felt safe and secure. She felt warmth radiating out of him. He draped his robe over her and patted her back gently.

(Your Name) followed quietly, she examined the hallways and living area. Everything seemed normal... it was a candy shop. There was two kids looking at her every move as she was guided by the father and a older man who was greeting her now in a joyful voice.

"I know you may seem confused but I'll tell you everything when the time is right." Urahara says in a soft tone as they stopped in front of a bedroom door. Both of them alone in the hallway as he tilted her chin up. (Your Name) could tell by his expression that they were connected somehow.

She touched his cheek, her body moving against her own will. She knew she's done this before but when? Urahara sighed into her touch as he kissed her wrist, rubbing her hands with his. He had missed her dearly, his heart skipped a beat staring into (your name) eyes again.

"Kisuke?" (Your Name) says.

"Yes, that's right." He urged as she let go of his face now, looking down to her feet. They were bare.

"Rest now. Ill wake you up in the morning."

"Kisuke, what you did is wrong!" Yoruichi yells slamming her fist on the table as the cutlery shook with it.

His face was stoic, he knew with science anything could be possible and he achieved the impossible. Although it was not perfect. (Your Name) awoken but couldn't remember what her pass soul memories were.

"I know, but it doesn't have to be shunned upon!" He defended, the older man was a little bit hurt his closest friend wasn't happy for his work, his strength to do what other deemed wrong.

"Why couldn't you let her pass on peacefully?"

He looked down, he hated fighting with Yoruichi. They've been together through the worst and the best times, why couldn't Yoruichi be happy for him.

"I've been shunned many times before but for you to do it to me? Please don't." He confesses trying to calm the situation down. He didn't want Yoruichi yelling waking up the kids and (Your Name).

Their conversation ended off with heavy emotions between the two. Urahara knew at the end of the day Yoruichi was going to have to accept what he had done. There was no way to undo what he created.

The next morning (Your Name) sat by the kitchen watching from the window the clouds. She felt a bit hazy still yet no one had told her anything yet.

"Kisuke." She whispers as the older man approached her from behind. (Your Name) eyes widen a bit before it settled down and fell into his touch.

"Were we lovers?" Kisuke swallowed a lump in his throat, he thought if she remembered everything it would be fine but it seems that her memories were a bit hazy.

"Yes." He whispers as he desperately held her body hiding his face onto her back. (Your Name) could tell by context clue they had some relationship before but Kisuke was afraid if he told her what he did would she call him crazy.

"I see. Then I guess I'll try my hardest to remember everything. I must have been asleep for a long time." (Your Name) says as she turned to his direction and gave him the most genuine smile and caressed his face.

He could only smile back, his (your name) was back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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