Zaraki Kenpachi

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"Hey did you hear there's a girl on our squad now." A few of the men whispered to each other with smug looks on their face as they watched her walk down the aisle to her private quarter separated from the men.

"That's impossible." Some whispered back as she stared back at them and kept walking on.

"Men will be men, such a shame I'm the only women here."

"Oi, we show you off to the squad soon." Kenpachi says gruffly and walks away with his sword leaning on his shoulder.

(Your Name) sighs and runs after him wondering how she managed to even get into the Squad.

"Taicho!" She shouts following his long strides into the training room.

"Listen men! We have a female in the Squad now! You don't like it then deal with it!" Zaraki shouts as yachiru complains how she was the first women in the squad and isn't recognized.

A hoard of men starts attacking (Your Name) as she swiftly guides around them and hit them with the back of her sword as they one by one fall to the ground. She smirks at them for shit talking about her. "Is that it boys?" She sings as they angrily get back up to fight again.

Throwing her sword on the ground she advance towards them and punches them by the temple, throat and nose. The most painful spots when fighting someone.

"I think I've had enough." She says not wasting a sweat.

Zaraki grins and throws ikkaku into the room. "Fight her." He says as the bald man grins.

"Just because you are a women doesn't mean I'll go easy!" He screams as their blades crash and her eyes widen a bit.

"I'm already fighting a third seat? That's not fair." She complains and uses both hands to throw him off.

As they battles each other she could tell her energy was running and low and it would be over. She released her Zanpakuto as water rushed out the room like a running waterfall.

Her sword disappeared as she moved the water around her to block any of Ikkaku attack.

"Is that all you got women!" He screams as she moved her hand to guide the current to squeeze the man back onto the ground. Ikkaku was pushed down by the water as he struggled to get up.

She knits her brows and used all her force to keep him down but he eventually gets out of the hold and attacks her side as she went flying into the fall.

"Come on (Your Name)! Prove the squad I picked the right fighter!" Zaraki yells as she painfully gets up and the water comes back to shield her.

"You there? I can sense you are strong. Join my squad when you are ready." Zaraki had told her one day when she was training alone out in the woods.

"But I have no desire to become a shinigami."

"You'll find a place that will openly want you kid. Mines open if you can prove it to me."

She looks down at the pink hair girl who was nodding her head to give her encouragement.

"Maybe, one day."

Zaraki grins and turns around "it's squad 11 for you."

(Your Name) yells and clap her hands together as a water dragon snakes around Ikkaku squeezing the air out of him as his mouth open for a gasp. The dragon slid up into the entrance.

"She's going to kill him Taicho!" Yumichika shouts in fear as he runs towards the battle.

(Your Name) sneers and sends another flying to the man as they both struggle to breathe.

"Do you believe in strong women?" She asks Zaraki one day as he lazily drinks his sake.

"I don't believe on strong anything, as long as your a worthy opponent I don't care." He nonchalantly says.

"What makes you think I am one?"

Zaraki howls into the air with a murderous grin in his eyes. "Because me and you are the same."

She scoffed "how so?"

"You don't know when to stop once your blood is running."

With full force she threw them onto the ceiling into the ground drowning their oxygen from their bodies.

"Okay that's enough!" Zaraki shouts as she lets go and look at her hands in fear.

The men were backing away from her as she looked at her Captain. He was already gone.

"Oi women." Ikkaku says in a shout. She turns to him and helps him up but he slaps her hand away.

"This little prick-"

"Welcome to the squad." He grins and pats her back before leaving the room. Yumichika wasn't all that friendly but she could built it over time. Right?

Running after her Captain she found him in his office laying on his couch. "Taicho!"

"What you noisy women? Cant you see I'm taking a nap!"

"Did I make you proud?" She hesitantly asks as he looks away from her.

"Ehh I've seen better, doesn't mean I'm not. That just means I get to beat the shit out of you next training session." Zaraki tells her as she smiles to herself.

"Right! I look forward to it!"

After leaving the office, the lower men coward away from her as she grin to herself.

"I think they know who's boss now."

"Ne! Do you really believe in her!" Yachiru asks him as he looks up into the ceiling.

"Why not?"

The little girls seems to smile and jump onto his stomach. "Stop being annoying!" He yells as she says. "I feel it too, her aura. She's a strong one. I think you were being smart for once."

"Tch, whatever smart ass now leave me to sleep." He complains throwing her onto the smaller couch.

"Yeah she's strong, can't wait till she becomes even stronger." Zaraki grins he had plans for the girl, big ones.

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