Ukitake Jushiro

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(Authors note: is it me? Am I the drama? LMAO Iykyk but this starts out a little angsty but I swear there is a happy ending, my bby deserves it)

(Your Name) was a troubled child, she was young and wild. She often got caught into fights that got her in big trouble. She was super insecure and like to act as if she was strong when everyday she lived with guilt.

"What are you looking at dumbass!" She yelled at one of the shinigami that was curious of this little girl that was in their barrack.

"(Your Name)!" Rukia yelled and smacked the back of her head before continuing to walk ahead. "Ow! Hey!! They were looking at me weird!" She defended rubbing her hair and pouting but obediently followed.

"Your brother must hated me to transfer me into your squad." (Your Name) grumbled, walking with her hands crossed and a bit hunched. "Where are we going anyways?" She rolled her eyes as she missed the presences of the sixth squad.

Rukia sighed and took (Your Name) hands before squeezing them. "Niisama sees a lot of potential in you but I think sometimes it gives him a headache so he thought sending you here to calm down a bit would help."

(Your Name) looked into Rukia eyes and looked down in defeat. "He's just trying to get rid of me. He threw me out like trash......I miss bullying Renji."

As they walked down the hall most of her new comrades stared in curiosity. It was weird but she was infamously known for being rude, loud and a bit troubled.

"I'm not a kid anymore Rukia."

"No, but you are quite younger than most."

She was curious to how Ukitake Taicho was as a person, apparently he was gentle and kind soul. That was to generic to her, she wanted someone with some spice that would give her life an adventure.

Rukia knocked on the door and it opened, the tall white haired man welcomed them with a large smile. "I'll see you (Your Name), try not to cause any trouble here." Rukia plead and walked off leaving her and Ukitake alone.

She kept a scowl on her face and took a seat. He was still smiling and arranging some papers on his desk. It was too quiet for her and he was taking his sweet time when she could be training right now.

(Your Name) tapped her foot very loudly trying to distract herself.

"(First and last name)." Ukitake finally speaks and took a seat, offering her a cup of tea.

"That would be me."

"I welcome you into our squad, I hope you find this place as home and make many friends. There are a few papers you need to sign since you are being transferred under my directory." His smooth voice says in ease as he looked into her eyes.

Her heart stopped beating for a few seconds, did the sixth squad really give up on her? When she finally found a home to call forever she was being moved to somewhere new like she was an orphan. Sighing she roughly grabbed the papers scribbling her name and slamming it on the desk. Before getting up and opening the door.

"I already hate it here." She said coldly to him and walked out.

"She's kinda a bitch."
"No I'm just trying to protect myself." She thought defending herself.

"She has no respect for anyone."
"But I care and don't want anyone to hate me." She screamed into her mind.

"No wonder Kuchiki Taicho dumped her onto our squad."
"Kuchiki Taicho would never, he wanted me to calm myself." She convinced herself.

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