The sink is overflowing with used utensils, pots and pans, while more of them start to pile at its sides. I'll help with that later.

"Wow.." I mutter, in complete shock. I've never attended anything even remotely similar to this. I've never imagined anything like it, either. The family gathering, that isn't my family, I didn't know I needed!

Ezra lets his arm fall over my shoulder and I hold his hand in mine, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Gli altri arrivano tra poco, state tranquilli." Nonna says, brushing her hands off on her little apron.

"The others are coming soon." Ezra translates. "Chi dovrebbe venire?" He asks.
[Who else is supposed to come?]

"Tutti!" Nonna cackles.

"Ma come, tutti? Non ci stiamo, Nonna."
[What do you mean, everyone? We won't fit, Nonna.]

"Ce li faccio stare io, fatti gli affari tuoi!" She laughs.
[I'll make them fit, mind your own business.]

"Do any of them speak English?" I ask, leaning towards Ezra. He ducks his head a bit to hear me, better.

"Yes, they all do except for Nonna." He explains by my ear. I nod and thank him. Suddenly the front door bursts open again and I jump a bit, my anxiety rising my the second.

"Ma statte zitto, Luca, che spari solo cazzate!" I hear a female voice holler. A deeper voice barks something back but as the voices get closer, two people stand in front of the kitchen doorway. The woman drops her purse and immediately throws herself onto Ezra.

From what I saw, she seemed to be about the same age as us, if not a bit older, and she has dark brown silky hair, her tattooed arms wrapped around Ezra's neck. A hint of jealousy twists in my gut but I shoo it away. The man circles around the two with an annoyed expression, but everything vanishes as he stands in front of me with a smile.

"Piacere, Luca." He extends a hand and I shake it, but he leans in and kisses both my cheeks. I'm taken aback for a second.

"Delilah." I say, assuming we're presenting each other.

"I'm Ezra's cousin and this is my sister, Rebecca." He says, an evident Italian acent. He has spiky brown hair and dark brown eyes, light stubble and a nicely chiseled face. Relief washes over me as I realize the woman is Ezra's cousin.

"I'm Ezra's girlfriend." I say with a smile. Rebecca walks around Luca and immediately throws her arms around me. I exchange the hug. In the brief moments I saw her, she had her brother's same eyes and a mole above her lip, adding a bit of spice to her appearance. It's cute, it fits her. She smells like vanilla.

"Piacere, sono Rebecca." She says as she pulls away.

"I'm Delilah." I smile, feeling a bit uncomfortable with all of the sudden attention. Meanwhile, Luca is talking to Ezra, a smile on both of their faces.

"You must be Ezra's girlfriend?" She says in a questioning tone, to which I nod.

"Oi, Ezra, complimenti, eh." She smirks to Ezra, winking. He narrows his eyes on her before meeting my gaze. I give him a smile, which he mirrors. He has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen and adore it with my entire soul.

Chuckling, Rebecca turns back to me but we're both surprised when the door is busted open. Again.

Oh my Jesus, so many people...

word count: 1285


how are y'all doing today?? my day was shitty but tomorrow is a new day, hopefully it'll go better.

I found my old story and I think I might off myself 💀💀
firstly, it's called forever and always. Someone tell my past self that those two words mean the same thing. Second, I wrote it in fifth-sixth grade, so it's literal bird dookie. The characters said "i love you" to each other THE DAY AFTER THEY MET ??!! Miss ma'<3

I ALSO found another book that I wrote w my bsf when we were in fifth and sixth grade (she's a year older than me) and it's LITERALLY JUST smut. I mean, sure, there was a "love story" behind it all and hundreds of freaking plot twists, but I'm not going to explain the whole book since I'll end up scaring y'all away. We then wrote a sequel to the book but from another character's pov. I have to admit it was entertaining to write tho- I mean.

When I found both of those...monstrosities...I wanted to rinse my eyes out with bleach and set myself on fire.

But yeah, hope y'all's summer started off great!!

Stay safe<3

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