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My feet graze over the blades of untamed grass, a tingling sensation rising upon my skin. Multiple different flowers adorn the field in such way to make it seem that a single touch would distort its peaceful scenery. A body of tall trees shape around me in a circular motion, almost like a barrier, or maybe a cage. Above my head the sun shines high, without a cloud to block its path, as it illuminates the clearing with its rays of golden sunlight.

Turning, I see a shape in the center of the small field. A feminine figure stands, long and unruly hazel colored hair that seems somewhat familiar.

I squint, trying to make out the person but my vision doesn't focus. It's as if a blurred filter is blocking me from the mysterious person.

I take careful steps towards the center of the field, the image becoming sharper by the second.

Suddenly I recognize her.


My eyes widen and my breath hitches in my throat as my footsteps quicken. I try to run, but the distance seems to never end. It feels to be one of those dreams where you run and run until your lungs feel like they're in flames, but you're stuck in the same place.

"Mama!" I shout, trying to get her attention as I run without a given purpose.

Her head slowly turns until she sees me and a dashing smile spreads across her lips, illuminating her eyes. All of the years I've spent without her, vanished. It's as if we were never separated.

I'm finally running towards her, nearing her. Her hand outstretches towards me and I finally reach it. I lace my hand in hers and the warmth from her soft touch spreads through my entire body. I let out a sigh of content, of bliss, as I study her features, so diverse from when I last saw her. Her soft skin is lively colored, her cheeks naturally rosy. Her pink lips turned upwards as she smiles at me, her green eyes ignited with life. Her hand reaches to caress my cheek and I lean into her touch, reminiscing in the feeling I last felt years ago. I bring my hand up to keep hers in place.

"Delilah..." She coos, her motherly gaze admiring me. "I missed you, baby." She says softly. The sound of her voice brings chills through my body.

A tear of happiness escapes my eye and trails to my cheekbone, but Mama wipes it away.

"Don't cry, my dear. I'm here. We're together. Nothing can separate us, now." She traces the pads of her thumbs underneath my eyes, before gently bringing me in for a hug. I don't hesitate to wrap my arms around her frame, breathing in her scent.

I want to hug her until we make up for the hugs we'd give each other each day, the ones we'd missed since the accident happened. But when she pulls away, I don't find myself objecting.

She admires me once more, a smile spread across her face and her eyes lit up with joy into two half-moons, her cheekbones high.

Suddenly a strangled gasp escapes her lips, her eyelids widening around her irises, her smile dropping entirely.

Panic takes over me as I try to understand what happened, but only become more uneasy as her eyes bore into mine screaming sheer panic.

"Mama?" I cry. The color drains from her face, literally, and I take a step back, not quite understanding how the scenery changed so quickly.

My eyes widen as they spot the stain of crimson in the center of her chest. It slowly spreads, staining the rest of her gown. Her breathing becomes strangled and I sob, rushing over to her again. Her hands find her chest, staining her pale skin in dark red blood, her body heaving as she struggles to breathe.

"Mama, please!" I cry, my eyes covered by a filter of salty tears. Yet somehow I can see her perfectly, the look of pain smothered across her features as her body falls limp into my arms.

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