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When my eyes flutter open, the first thing I notice is that my head is propped against something and it's not the window. I move my sleepy gaze to the side and notice that at some point I fell asleep on Ezra's shoulder. I jerk upwards and for a second I'm left with a dizzy feeling.

I look out of the window and see that the sky is dark. We're right on the wing of the plane so I can see a few lights flashing to the sides. You can't see any of the stars from here, but you can see the dark blue sky and a few lighter clouds. They look like a thick cotton blanket. I look around the plane and notice that all of the lights are switched off except for some purple led lights strapped to the overhead compartments. They don't make the entire cabin change color, it's only enough light to illuminate a few inches around the hidden stripe of leds. I glance over at Ezra and see him watching a movie, something involving guns and men with suits, but his eyes are closed and his chest heaves up and down at a regular pace.

He's sleeping.

Imagine if I just shook him awake saying there was a fire or something. That sounds like something I would do.

I notice that my movie is still playing in my headphones so I pause it and take my headphones out of my aching ears. The sound coming from the engine of the plane sounds a lot like white noise. I don't know how long it's been but I feel the need to stretch my legs. I play with a few buttons on the TV screen until I find the flight information. Twenty minutes left. Well, that went by quickly.

I hear a soft hum from beside me and I turn to see Ezra batting his eyes open and closed. He smiles over at me, his lips swollen and pink.

"Sleep well?" I ask.

"Like shit." He chuckles.

"Can I get by? I need to use the bathroom." I say. He nods so I get up and scoot by him. It puts us in an awkward position for a few seconds but I brush it off. Luckily nobody is in the other seat so I don't need to relive that. I peek down both sides of the aisle and see a bathroom close to the end of the right side. I walk down it, swaying a bit because of the movement of the airplane not being all so steady. I reach the bathroom and for a second I'm confused on how to open it. I slightly push on the door and it folds, sliding to the side to reveal the smallest bathroom I've ever seen. My eyes widen, my claustrophobia triggering a bit. But I don't want to piss myself...

I walk into the right space and close the door, locking it since that's the only way the light turns on.

I do my business and jump at the loud sound of the flush, I then look at myself in the mirror to see dark circles under my eyes, mascara crumbling in the corners of my eyes and my lips cracked and dry. My hair on the other hand is static and crazy, loose strands of it everywhere. I go to go back out so I unlock the door. I try pulling the door open but it won't budge. I freeze, realizing I could potentially be locked in here and nobody would notice. My heart starts hammering harshly against my rib cage. I shake the door handle but it doesn't change anything. since I pushed it last time, I try pulling the handle but it doesn't help. I bang my fist against the door and I start panicking. I can't be stuck in here. My breathing hitches and suddenly the door opens. I immediately rush out and take a deep breath. I wasn't in there for too long, but it felt like forever. I look up to see Ezra staring down at me, a bit worried.

"You good?" He asks. I nod quickly, before walking back to the seat. He trails behind me. In front of me, a small child wearing a cute purple nightgown comes running towards us, and then past us. A man walks quickly, following the small child.

"You don't have to go?" I ask Ezra, dismissing what just happened with the child.

"No, you were just taking a while so I was worried." He answers as we wander back to our seats. I scoot in and strap my seatbelt in, as Ezra sits down and does the same.

"Thanks for coming." I say, relaxing into my seat. He gives me a soft smile.

"No problem." He says.


Twenty minutes quickly go by, although I didn't get to finish my movie, and it's time to land.

Underneath me, I feel the floor vibrating as a humming sound echoes through the cabin. Ezra tells me that it's the wheels ejecting from the bottom of the plane, preparing to land. The plane gradually flies lower and lower, every inch that we descend, makes my stomach feel like it's fallen fifty feet. Ezra notices me clutching onto the arm rest for dear life so he rests his hand over mine, the pad of his thumb brushing over the back of my hand. I look over at him anxiously. He smiles softly.

The land gets a lot closer and I notice a runway, illuminated by neon-yellow stripes. Around us, is mostly water and many trees. Dozens of trees. It's so green. Suddenly the wheels touch down to the runway and the sound gets a lot louder as everything starts shaking. It feels as though my body is being thrusted forward and I have to fight the urge to slam into the seat in front of me.

We finally loose a lot of the speed we'd gotten during the flight and now we're turning into a vast opening. The plane comes to a full stop and everyone is still. The pilot announces that we can get up and so everyone gets up. The cabin suddenly feels a lot smaller. Ezra gets up and grabs the bags, handing mine to me. I pack my belongings back into it and strap it around my shoulders. Ezra remains standing in front of our seats, looking around the cabin, the usual grudge resting on his face. His eyes fall to mine and I don't try to hide the fact that I was looking at him because he's already caught me.

"We're in Greece." He grins, his eyes lighting up. I smile up to him and laugh.

We're in Greece!

I peek out of the window, and admire the Greek land. It's so green and beautiful. That is, if it weren't so dark outside.

"Lee." Ezra calls. I snap my head in his direction, already liking my new nickname. He nods his head in the direction of where the people are getting off so I quickly make my way over to him and he lets me out of the row of seats. I walk down the aisle and we pass the two families that had the six children. All of them seem calm, playing with small plastic horses and barbies.

I feel hands on my shoulders that guide me away from the seat I was just about to walk into.

"Thanks." I chuckle. He hums and I hadn't realized he was so close to me.

We thank the cabin crew, standing by the exit, and walk out. I'm met with a cool gust of air as I descend the ramp of mobile stairs, following the rest of the passengers.

We look like a herd of sheep.

I jump off the last two steps and admire the land. There's not much to see right now, especially since it's dark, only a few small hills and water. There's so much water surrounding us, only a few hundred yards away.

Ezra walks next to me and takes my hand in his, guiding us through the thick crowd of people.

word count: 1342

y'all they're in Greece. Im going to try to make the descriptions as accurate as possible but pls correct me if Im wrong lmao. There are also a lot of stray dogs and cats that just wonder around the island it's so cool.
Stay safe<3

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