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"I will."

"You will not."

"Ezra!" I whine. He throws a french fry at me.

"Was makeup not enough?" He asks. I shake my head no, looking down at my fries in search for the longest one.

"And you signed my foot." He adds.

"I did." I mumble.

"And now you want to paint my nails?"

"Correct. Baby blue or neon pink would look good with your skin tone." I nod, smiling. He sighs.

"You're lucky I like you. I'll let you paint my nails if you let me paint yours." He says, raising his eyebrows.

"Whoever makes me ugliest design wins." I add.

"You're on, Bouras. Be prepared to get your ass kicked." He says through a smile. I giggle, throwing a fry at his head. Funny how less than an hour ago I was coming on his hand. Anywho.

"Dolores has been dying to see you."

"Aww! I miss her. We should go to the beach with your friends." I tell him.

"We should." He replies shortly. I've been trying to muster up the courage to tell him that I love him but each time I chicken out. I have to do it. Without thinking twice.

"Ezra..." I mumble, sucking in a breath. He hums, looking up at me.

"I..." I rethink it. Shit, of course.

"You?" He asks, encouraging me to continue my phrase.

I love you.

"I just missed you." I smile softly. He chuckles.

"I missed you too, bellissima." He reaches across the table and takes my hand in his, stroking the skin between my thumb and my index finger with the pad of his thumb. I admire the light veins dancing down his forearm and his hand, my eyes moving up his arm, then his shoulder, his neck and then his face. He's insanely attractive.

"Ooh!" I shout, jumping up. His body tensed up and I chuckle, bolting towards my room.

"Lee?" He calls, from the other room.

"One sec!" I shout. I rummage through my drawers until I find it. I hide it in my hand and run back out into the kitchen. I slam my ass back down in my seat and smile widely at him, extending my hand.

"For you." I open my palm to reveal the bracelet I made him.

It's a simple bracelet, made of small strings of yarn. The design is colorful arrows, a mixture of black, gray, white and light blue, colors that I think look good on him.

"Lee," He breathes, admiring the bracelet in my hand with a wide smile on his face. Butterflies tingle in the pit of my stomach at his joyful reaction.

"You like it?" I ask nervously, not knowing how I'm supposed to be reacting.

"I love it." He chuckles, taking the bracelet from my hand to admire it. I blush a deep red.

"Thank you so much. Can you tie it for me?" He extends his arm and I take the bracelet, tying it around his wrist.

"Come here, amore." He opens his arms and I smile, getting up to walk into his embrace. He squeezes me tightly and looks up at me, since he's sitting and I'm standing.

"You're my sunshine. You make everything so much better." He says muffled into my abdomen, keeping his arms tightly around me. Tons of butterflies erupt inside of me and makes me think I might puke on him from excitement. Instead of something cheesy and cute, I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"You're my burrito." I respond, without giving my answer much thought. I mentally face-palm myself, setting a mental reminder to think before I speak.

Out of everything. A fucking burrito.

"I'll take it." He laughs.

"No 'cause I love burritos- I-"

"No need to explain yourself, from now on I'm your burrito." I laugh at his response. He pulls away from me, to scoot his chair backwards, away from the table, before gently taking my arm and pulling me towards him. I place my leg over him and straddle his waist.

He looks deeply into my eyes and his hand reaches out to brush my hair away from my face.

"Quando cazzo sei bella?" He asks.
[How fucking beautiful are you?]

Yet I don't know how to respond to him. Because I don't speak Italian. But I can only guess it was some sort of a compliment. So I blush beneath his gaze. Whenever he looks at me, it's never with hate. It's like he's appreciating me, admiring me. I might be wrong, and if I am I would rather stay incorrect.

"You have pretty eyes." I say, glancing between his irises. He smiles, his eyes becoming half moons.

"You're beautiful." He says softly. "So beautiful."

"I know, right." I joke, teasing him. He smiles wider before leaning up to join our lips. His lips against mine feel like home, like they were meant to be there, like they were molded perfectly to fit mine.

His hands move to my hips and pull me closer to his body, forcing my hands to hold onto his shoulders for support as he gently teases my mouth with his tongue.

"You don't think we've done enough in one day?" I ask softly, referring to previous events.

"I didn't know there was a limit." He responds. Good answer.

"Calm your tits, you lascivious creature." I say, earning a chuckle from him. He pulls away before pecking my nose with his lips.

"Wanna know something cool?" I ask. He nods, looking upwards at me, smiling in awe, almost.

"Always." He says.

"If it bites you and you die, it's venomous. If you bite it and you die it's poisonous." I explain.

He looks at me with curiosity. "Really? Yeah, I guess that makes sense."

I nod.

He looks to the side. "What if it bites me and it dies?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"That would make you poisonous." I roll my eyes playfully. He smirks, before placing his hand at the nape of my neck to lower my head, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I love forehead kisses.

"I'm excited for the beach." I smile. He hums before leaning up to kiss me.

"Me too." He smiles.

word count: 1163

love y'all, keep slaying.

how do u guys feel about the book so far? I love hearing ur thoughts <3

Stay safe<3

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