Happy Birthday Baby

Start from the beginning

"So what were you two up to before we all decided to join" Addison questions playfully. 

"Just games" I say as I pull Kaylee to lay on my chest. "Call of Duty and little bit of pool" Kaylee adds Calmly. I on the other hand was freaking out on the inside.

"That sounds fun, I'm sure this room was full of excitement then" Tiffany interjects before smirking. Those Bitchs knew. The knew exactly what was going on down here and they are just sitting there teasing us about it. Before I could speak Amy asks us about drink preferences. 

"Just give me and Kaylee a sprite." I say.

"Root beer and Dr.p for me and Addison" Tiffany adds.

"Alright, I couldn't find the movie in our movie bin, so I bought it on prime, Merry Christmas" Adam says while getting situated on the couch.  "Sweet" Tiffany cheers, another free movie for Tiffany. We've bought about 15 movies on this prime account like it was ours and Tiffany gets excited every time there is a new movie in her collection. 

"Hey kiddos, I'm leaving for the night, is there anything you guys need before I go?" Mom ask.

"No!" we all in unison. 

"Ok, Adam is in charge while I'm gone so please don't burn my house down." Mom pleads. 

"We won't!" I guess mom didn't trust us after the incident that almost left us without a house for a good month or two.

"Specifically Chloe and Tiffany." Mom says. I guess she just wants to be sure that we don't fuck up again by cook something. 

"Mom." I whined. " we won't, now go have fun with our principle" I said jokingly. I had to be a tad bit petty since she wanted to bring up an incident that happen two years ago. Fuck ramen.

"Ok, love you kids" She said. We all heard as mom grabbed her keys, and a pair of footsteps follow and walk out the door. 

"well at least we can be as loud as we want now." Tiffany blurted out mindlessly. Adam laughed. 

"Yeah, wouldn't you like that" Adam joked, but in a way of a jab. 

Tiffany stood up from her spot. The blanket that was laying on her rolled off revealing her pajamas. Princess Tiana from princess and the frog and frozen socks on her feet. "I'm not afraid of you." Tiffany states as she points at Adam. Adam laughs again but this time gets up from his spot and walks towards Tiffany. I turn towards Amy who has a worried but confused look on her face. "Don't worry, it all fun and games." I say trying to relieve her of some comfort. 

"Girl you couldn't take me if you tried" Adam says before using one figure to push Tiff by her forehead causing her to fall back in her spot on the couch. "Plus I don't think my sister would allow me to beat your ass" He says as he sits down with a smirk. Amy slaps his shoulder in response to his last comment.  "What I'm right" he says looking at his fiancée.

"Amy I don't know if he told you but this is normal between those two" I say as I grab my sprite and take a sip. "Might as well get use to it." 

Tiffany looked defeated. She relaxes in Addison's embrace.  Addison gives her a kiss on her forehead while giving Adam a deadly look. We all knew Tiffs feelings were hurt after Adams comment, but Tiff knew he was right. Addison and I both know how Tiffany is about losing arguments. Last Christmas Tiffany and I argued about when a movies was supposed to be released. She swore on her future grave that she was right. Every chance she got to tell I was wrong she took it. Finally when the movie released she lost her mind when she found how she was wrong, I was wrong too but that didn't matter. She did apologize about it, but I was getting the short end of the stick by Addison. Addison nag and nag about about how I shouldn't have challenged her because she would be the one to hear Tiffs bitching for a couple of days. Luckily it wasn't nothing serious, so Tiffs bitching only lasted a day, but this current altercation is going to last a bit. I give it a week or two before it subsides. Me being myself I'll make sure to remind her every chance I get just to piss her off. 

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