Lazarus: Don't interrupt.

Izumi: It's my mind.

Shoka: Ya I'm here to. Thanks rider.

rider: Your the one who made a deal with devil.

Shoka: Fair.

Izumi: Well this has been fun but now we all need to wake up.


Izumi wakes up on the floor and soon after shoka wakes up ,transforms, sees the sun and de-transforms.

Shoka: Hey guys.  How's life.

Mei: I don't now it's alright.

Momo: Just been going through some thing like every human being.

Jirou: I didn't really sleep much last night.

Shoka: Oh I'm sorry.

Izumi:That's fine.

Izuku: Ok wtf just happened.

Shoka:parents dead , deal with the devil made, powers granted.

Izuku: Ooooooooooook.

Then they heard a car pull up and rushed the door. They opened the door weapons ready and at the door was

...a confused as fuck dick grayson.

Dick: Are you guys ok ?

Izuku: Ya ya  peachy how long you hear for ?

Dick: a few days

Izuku: Alright Jirou you will be trainig with my uncle here for the next few days.

Jirou: This old man hell I could make a better nightwing then him.

Dick then out of no where threw his escrima sticks at Jirou who caught them easily.

Dick: Ok you have some skill doesn't mean I'll go easy on you.

Jirou: Bring it old man .

Three days later (I am lazy )

Dick had put Jirou through hell and back. Even Izuku thougt they were trainig a bit to much. It was like this would be his last time in the suit and sure it was, like the twisted writer I am his last time in the suit.

Jirou: Finally done how was that old man ?

Dick : Great nightwing.

Jirou: What ?

Dick then took out a brief case.

Dick: Look I'm getting old and I'v been in this business since I was 10 I'ts time I move on. Try it.

Jirou goes to change and come back in the suit.

Jirou goes to change and come back in the suit

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Izuku Yagi redhood (TO BE RE-WRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now