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We open to see Izumi talking to Lazarus.

Lazarus: Look Izumi your Quirk is insanely powerful but you can't rely on it.

Izumi: I could take up sword fighting and hand to hand combat, but I don't have anyone to teach me.

Lazarus: I could teach you.

Izumi: Really ?

Lazarus: I have the knowledge of everyone who has ever entered the Lazarus pit and lets just say I could teach you a thing or two.

Izumi: OK when should we start

Lazarus: Tonight since your dream is the only place where I can teach you . The training will take about a year.

Izumi: Your gonna mess with time right ?

Lazarus: Definetly should be about a day in the phiysical world.

Izumi: Then lets do it.

Timeskip to Dreamscape

Inside the dream Lazarus turned into a human form to train.

Inside the dream Lazarus turned into a human form to train

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First six months:

During these six months Izumi learned and mastered hand-to-hand combat with ease. She also started working on her stealth and reflexes. She learned to hide in the shadows and use fear when force wouldn't work. When Izumi asked who he learned that from Lazarus just said an old hero. She also started working on her instincts by being blindfolded and attacked.

Last six Months:

During the last six months Izumi learned to use swords, daggers, and other blades and mastered them quickly they just felt natural to her. I was the last day of training for Izumi. She was about to do her finale test.

Lazarus for your finale test you have to fight me in a death battle.

Izumi: I have to kill you?

Lazarus: I am you, I aint gonna Die my human form will

Izumi: Alright lets go.

(Stop at 4:49)

Izumi: Damn you didn't tell you could make clones.

Lazarus: Had to cheat somehow.

Izumi:(chuckle) Screw you

Lazarus: Ya Ya so what you gonna do now that your training is complete.

Izumi: Well first I'm gonna visit Mei, She said she has something for me and another suprise. Then I think I,m gonna be a vigilante so I can build a reputation before UA since I have about a year left.

Izuku Yagi redhood (TO BE RE-WRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now