A new identity

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 Gotham City

Katsuki has just arrived in gotham and it is the middle of the night. He came in just in time to hear this.

News Reporter: Mayham in Gotham as the clown prince of crime joker has planted bombs all over the city. The Batman (Damian has taken the title now ) and Robin are searching the city for these bombs. The Joker is currently inside the Sionis Steel meal some say on his death bed. 

Katsuki: This is perfect just have to get in to that steel mill and blow up this bastards heart.

Katsuki made his way to a thrift shop to get some clown make up and disguised himself as a joker thug and snuck into the Jokers office easily almost to easily, but he doesn't care. Bakugo goes next to the Joker's bed.

Katsuki: Tim to Die bastard.

When Katsuki turned the body all he saw was a blanket and then his face was covered by a mask. The last thing he hears is a insane laugh before he blacks out.

In Mustafa Hospital

Jirou has just been discharged and is heading out. She is basically using her ears as sonar at this point. Her senses have gone into over drive ever since she lost her sight . She decided to wonder around since there is no where for her to go for now.

She ended up wonderig into a gym and almost got hit by some weights.

Katsumi: Sorry needed to blow of some steam. Hold on Jirou ?

Jirou: Hey Katsumi.

Katsumi: What the hell did my brother do to you ?

Jirou: There is a reason why I'm not a home with my parents.

Katsumi: Ohh I'm sorry.

Jirou: It's not you fault.

Katsumi: Hey I was about to head to Izuku's if you want ?

Jirou: Sure.

Back in Gotham.

Katsuki was getting electricuted badly over and over again. He's mind was breaking and  he couldn't do about it.

Joker: Poor brat trying to kill little old me. Well the Joker never dies.

Joker electocutes him so much that the restraints burn of the restraints. Katsuki slowly gets of the platform and he activated on for all and snapped the joker neck just enough for him to die slowly.

Katsuki: Your finished bastard.


The laughte became louder and louder.

Katsuki: Shut up.

But then Katsuki realized he was yelling at a corpse, but the voice was getting louder and louder until Katsuki was in a black void.

Joker: Nice little mind you got hear I think I will be taking it.

Joker then strangled the young man subconciouse was then murdered Katsuki Bakugo all that was left was all his hatred and the Joker's insanith what could go wrong.

Joker: Now I just need a change of clothes.

Joker: Perfect.

Joker: Now to have some real fun

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Joker: Now to have some real fun.

With that the Joker escaped into the night.

Back in Mustafa.

Jirou and Katsumi were in the dojo in the mansion working out. Now usually Kasumi is aggresve in her workouts but Jirou was on another level. She kept hitting the punching bag until her knuckels where bleeding. She was breating hard and looked like she was possesed. Katsumi would ask what was wrong but didn't needto feel death just yet. Then Jirou looked at her.

Jirou: In 6 months I want to fight you. Prepare whatever you can couse I will. This isn't personal I jsut need someone who can go all out with me without death at my door.

Katsumi was a little upset but it made sense. Izuku and Momo were both trained to kill so going all out with them would mean certain death. mei was to unpredictable to plan for, Shoka hasn't been seen in a good while and Izumi is a literal Demon.

Katsumi: If this helps you get through whatever is happening I will six months.

Six months later

Katsumi: Ok she probably fogot aou this. I might not be that bad.

Katsumi then saw Jiroun in the sparring area.

Katsumi then saw Jiroun in the sparring area

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Katsumi: Well I'm fucked.

Jirou: Ready to go.

Katsuki gulped and got into the area. The buzzer began and and she rushed Jirou hoping to get the upper hand only to be side swiped and pinned.

Jirou: Come on you can do better then that.

Katsumi didn't like getting taunted. She through a little dirt at her eyes and got out. She decided to make a smoke screen to catch her breath. Then while she is breathing she remebers that her opponent is blind so the dirt probably did nothing to her.  She also had senses on overdrive so could probably track her down with her heart beat. She was being played with and she could do nothing about it. 

Then she was knocked to the floor once again and got her arm hyper exstended.

Katsumi: I yield.

Jirou: 50 seconds I can do better.

Katsumi: What the hell I would fear for my life if I didn't know any better.

Jirou: Who said you shouldn't ?

Katsumi: You a devil.

Jirou: We already have to many of those.

The Core 4 who were watching this fight were impressed.

Izuku: I'm going to make a call.

Izuku Yagi redhood (TO BE RE-WRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now