One Last Time

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(not proofread)


No, I didn't faint. Nor did I scream and went crazy. But it happened, the scene that played and overplayed in different versions each time, in my head for the past 6 years. Me and Rex,only us, in a space.

I still couldn't process everything but he came and he left,for real. I always imagined this scene back when I was drowning in books and hospital works, it was my pleasant escape from reality. But nothing like that happened at least not as I had imagined. I had a long list of things I wanted to ask him but I couldn't think of anything when he was in front of me. I didn't even take any picture.

So now it started to feel unreal. Maybe I just imagined everything?

"What in the Fanfiction!" Arohi screamed when I called her up for reality check.

"I know right?"

"So you're telling me! You had Rex, The Rex, in your bedroom couch , bare bodied, you TOUCHED him ,he gave you some bangle and told you he REMEMBERED your FACE and even your DAMN NAME and told you ,YOU WERE COOL,which can be considered low-key FLIRTING! BUT YOU DIDN'T TAKE A SINGLE DAMN PICTURE OF HIM OR WITH HIM!"

"Yes, precisely!"

"You sure you aren't 1. Drunk 2. Dreaming 3. Took LSD by chance! Omg! Wait LSD! That must be it. I heard they do drugs a lot in the States! Shit! Did someone make you eat something?"

"1. You know I don't drink
2. I haven't had a sleep for at least past  12 hours and I'm as awake as you after 10 coffees.
3. No damn Arohi! I'm not a kid. I even have Lara for evidence and the police officer."

"Ok ok, I believe you! But freaking Jesus! What was that date you saved that damn CEO guy! You should've bought a lottery ticket you spent all your goodluck that day!"

"Huh! Tell me about it! But seriously dude how do I proceed with life after all these!"

"Should've asked for his number or secret account ID, you're such a dumbo!"

"Ikr? But as if I could. I have a number though,the one he gave me in the note. But it has a US country code. Must be a temporary number."

"Oh that's gooooddd! Call him! He still hasn't left US right?"

"No I guess, but no ways, I'm not calling, what would I say? 'Hey! I forgot to ask for you number?' He'd straightaway block me if not laugh and cut the call, how embarrassing!"

"You know, that's why you don't have a boyfriend!" Arohi said sounding like a disappointed parent.

"Bruh! He's a CELEBRITY okay? And who am I? Just a girl he met coincidentally a couple of times? What gives me the right to ask for his number?"

"First of all, other than being a celebrity he's a HUMAN BEING,flesh and blood and penis, so why can't he be attracted to you? You really have no confidence in yourself, dude I know you're a moron but trust me other people do find you cool and attractive, only if you'd open your eyes and take the hint! Sigh!"

"Whatever I'm not calling."

And I didn't. But I kept checking the note again and again until I knew the digits by heart.

Ring! Ring!

My heart skipped a beat as my phone rang and I hurriedly sat up on the bed to take the call, but to my disappointment it was Edward.


"Hi! Thanks for doing what I asked earlier."

"Always at your service ma'am," he said mockingly.

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