The fan meet

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(not proofread)


"What's going on?"
Zen asked,his eyes narrowed, scanning me.

I shook my head,not sure where to start or was there anything to start at all?

"... idk,tired I guess!"

"Ok... I'll be off to sleep then, but yk you can tell me about it. I'm too lazy to judge."

He then gave me one of those rare slick smiles. Not many people knew about this side of Zen.
He was mostly a saint but he could be a brat at times.

"Yeah whatever."

I went to bed too. It was day 2 of concert today. Nothing extraordinary happened. Or was I hoping for something to happen?... something like first day?
Nah I must be exhausted. I tried to drive away weird thoughts.
I should get some sleep.
Tomorrow we had a fan meet and I should look 'presentable'.


I called Arohi as soon as I got back to my hotel room.

"Wtf!" She cursed! "Babe ,how come you got teleported to some stupid fanfic"

"Ikkrr...this has to be a dream or something, first being on news then getting noticed by my idol, then this rich CEO trope and now fan meet too!" I almost couldn't believe my own words.

My heart was beating like crazy,my thoughts disorganised. There was so much going on that I couldn't get a grasp of the situation.

"Calm down! Let's take things as they come," Arohi knew my introvert ass must be panicked out of control by now.

Damn! I needed her by my side so bad right now.

"So what have we got on hand first? Fan meet right? you have a dress?"

Shit! I was so focused on the big things that I totally forgot about the minor details.

What was I supposed to wear ? Surely not my regular denim and oversized shirt?
I already wore that leather dress to the concert.

"Show me your options." Arohi said.
So I face timed her.
She made me do a little fashion show for her,the result of which wasn't fruitful at all.

"This won't gotta go shopping." Arohi shook her head.

"You must be kidding right?...If I go shopping now am I gonna survive on air for the last 2 days!"I rolled my eyes.

My budget was tight,no room for unnecessary expenses.

"Wait!" She did something on her phone and I received a message on mine.

Arohi Sen transferred Rs.xxxx on your account.

"Babeeeeee...I love you, you know right?" My eyes teary.

"Stop being dramatic.. I'm just lending you, now go and do what you gotta do" She cringed at my words which made me laugh.

I went to a local mall,not too big and bought a white bodycon dress not too extravagant and fitting my budget and obviously approved by Arohi Sen!

I didn't tell Lara about the fan meet because firstly I felt bad about going alone and secondly then I had to explain the whole Edward-Robert thing, which both me and Edward didn't want.

Yes,Lara had no idea who Edward was.

Edward and I had a deal to keep it among ourselves.

He said he'd pick me up for the fan meet tomorrow. Even though I already rejected his offer, I wasn't surprised to see his car parked in front of my hotel in the morning.

I wore the dress I bought yesterday and white sneakers,hair tied in a pony.

"You're really stubborn, aren't you?"I said as soon as we met outside.

"You should know that by now," he said grinning.

I shook my head as he opened the car door for me.
Such a gentleman lol!

"By the way look beautiful!" He whispered next to my ears while closing the door which made my heart skip a beat.

Honestly, introvert as I was, I never had much communication with guys. I'd simply block or ghost anyone who tried to flirt with me. So I wasn't sure if this could be called flirting or just a compliment,but it was surely something I wasn't used to.

In half an hour we reached the venue,hotel Blue Ice, a five star hotel.
A not so small crowd of Rigels could be seen outside. Posters of Orion everywhere. Security seemed tight.

We parked outside.

Edward had VIP pass but I insisted on joining everyone else. Me being here was already taking advantage, I shouldn't be more greedy.

We were told to wait outside, they'd be arriving here anytime soon.

5..10..15...30 minutes passed.I could feel my heartbeat rising with every passing minute.

Edward was busy taking some business call. I told him he could leave  but he said he was a Rigel too.
What kind of answer was that! And as if I'd buy he was here to meet Zen, his bias.So I just rolled my eyes and let him be.

"They're coming! They're comingggggg!!!" Someone from the front of the crowd screamed.

Suddenly everyone started screaming.
I was standing in the back and could see nothing except the back of the posters and hands of other fans waving frantically. But I could feel it in the air! Yes,they were here.

After the security got them inside safely,we were allowed to enter one by one. We had to go through full body check and had to show our passes to the security.

We were instructed to sit inside a fully air-con hallroom. My hands were already sweaty and the AC made it worse.

Edward sat beside me instead of VIP corner. Which was good because having him by my side somehow eased my anxiety to a submaximal level.

After a wait of another half an hour, they finally came to sit on the stage prepared for them. I felt numb instead of being excited.
Maybe I've had too much of anxiety attacks lately that my heart was immune to it now.

I found Rex's eyes searching the whole room and finally settling on ...mine?
But he looked away quickly.
It must be my hallucination right?

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