"You will. Until then, I promised to be here every step of the way, remember?"


          "Forgive me?"

          "I'll think about it."



          "Well, I was the youngest of eight. I had six brothers and one sister," Arisa ended up speaking to Aizawa about her family that night. Aizawa didn't know much of her family and was only aware of the two surviving brothers that were now in Tartarus with her parents. The rest of the siblings were only spoken of briefly and only became a death tally for the government. They were aware that it was her that eliminated them all but speaking about it was not the same as actually experiencing it firsthand. Arisa continued to recall her faint memories of her siblings, their faces that were forever engraved in her memory along with their names, "The eldest, Hiroshi actually had the best combat prowess out of all of us, as you could probably remember from three years ago, the one with the ocular reality altering quirk."

          Aizawa nodded, his mind recalling of the male that nearly escaped. His quirk was the most tricky and powerful, as expected of a Sukehiro.

          "But I surpassed that bastard and slammed him face first into next week," Arisa grinned and Aizawa smiled slightly, "Anyway, my second brother, Hiyoshi, was a bit of a psycho. Made sense seeing how he was the perfect assassin as mother often said. You know, they called me mother's masterpiece. I never actually figured out what they all meant."

          Aizawa had a faint idea because he was there during the raid and they came across plenty of documents that evaluated the siblings. Their abilities, their quirks. All of it but it was all too tragic to speak of. Especially back then when Arisa was barely twelve. He had enough of a theory as to why the youngest was the most valued and a masterpiece. It was probably why her quirk was evolving so fast. It was also one of the reasons why Aizawa was chosen as a guardian. He was to make sure that quirk wouldn't go haywire.

          The mother, Sukehiro Arisu was planning on using Arisa as the ultimate weapon but that wasn't going to happen now because they fortunately managed to get their hands on Arisa before it could happen. The girl was now living her best life with him and he swore to give provide her with only the best.

          "Sometimes, things are better unknown," he placed a hand on her head.

          "I guess you're right."

          "How's your quirk lately? Any new developments?"


          She lied. There was no need worrying the poor man.

          "Okay. You should head to bed. Internships begin tomorrow."

          "Oh, yeah. Right. Goodnight, Aizawa-san."


          As usual, before she slept, she popped a few pills into her mouth and went to bed, guilt-ridden for hiding this from Aizawa.


          "You've all got your costumes, right?"


          "Make sure to watch your conduct. Okay. Let's go!"

          The next day came and Arisa was yawning for the fifth time that morning as she stood amongst her classmates. As it so happened, she chose to intern at Hawks' agency mainly because of her curiosity of the male's actual character. She felt the need to investigate, to confirm her suspicions of what she had sensed that day because as it was, her instincts had never been wrong so far. As she nearly nodded off, Tokoyami spoke up, "Hayashi-san. You're going to Hawks' agency as well, right?"

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