The Honeymoon

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A shiver made Daniel's shoulders jiggle when he pushed his robes to the floor. As he crossed the room to get to Rosemary, his entire body hummed as he looked her over. He'd imagined this night every time he closed his eyes to sleep, and having her in front of him like this was all he ever really wanted. "You're so beautiful."

No kingdom would ever be as great as what his eyes gazed upon tonight.

He pulled off his shirt and licked his lips as he pressed his shaking hand to her skin. His fingertips slid from her throat to her breast, and goosebumps rose all over them both. With his pointy tooth biting into his lip, Daniel laughed at their reactions. "Sorry."

She stepped into him and shook her head. "Don't be."

He had wanted her since the moment she came to his mind, and now she belonged to him. His fingertips met hers, and he tugged at them. "Are you ready?"

The leaves blew in from the balcony and swept her hair along with them, and her scent bathed him as she backed away to the bed and pulled him along. "Yes."

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she admired Daniel as he kicked off his boots. Every muscle that moved under his skin was perfect, and in the dimly lit room, they looked even more distinct and brawny.

While he gazed at her from the shadows like a wolf hunting its prey, he unbuttoned his pants, and when he pulled them over his ass, Rosemary chuckled and looked away. "Oh, dear."

When his fingertips lifted her chin, Daniel leaned down and kissed her. "Have I ever been anything but gentle with you, my love?" Her pointy chin slid back and forth in his palm, and he motioned for her to get into bed with a tip of his head.

She slid to the other side of the bed and laid down as Daniel moved between her legs. Daniel took his time to show every inch of Rosemary how he worshipped her and how magical his touch could be as he kissed and licked his way across her body.

He moved his hand to her hip, then rolled to his side and whispered, "Come here."

With his hand wrapped around her thigh, he lifted her leg on his and slid closer to her back. After tipping her hips back to him, his cock slid back and forth through her wetness. He pushed into her slowly, then buried his face into her hair as her warm tightness claimed him and pulled him deeper.

She held tight to the arm he dangled over her chest while breathing into her ear. "Are you alright?"

Daniel rolled his hips into hers between grunts and pants, and his hand traveled down her body as she rocked her head against him. "Yes."

There were no secrets between them anymore, and Daniel slid his fingers where she begged him to in her mind, then rubbed circles on her wet skin while he drove into her from behind. Of all the nights Daniel heard Rosemary whimper and moan, this was the one time that made him smile. She bucked against his hand and cried out into the darkness as he pleased her inside and out.

She melted into his grasp like warm butter, and he emptied himself inside her. As the last few pulses of him tickled her, Rosemary turned back to see him, and he dropped his forehead to hers. While he panted against her skin, he covered her with short, soft kisses as he moved around her and rested his head against her shoulder.

In silence, with the moonlight making the murals on the walls appear to move and bow to them, Daniel traced every curve he could reach with his fingertips.


When Rosemary came back from the garderobe, Daniel stood outside the balcony door, watching the full moon.

He heard the slaps of her feet on the floor and glanced back to her, then held out his hand. Tucking her into his side, Daniel kissed her temple, then looked back at the sky. "You know, when I was a little boy, I used to look up in the sky at night and pretend like I was really from one of those planets out there."

Daniel smiled and shook his head. "I pretended like that's why my family treated me differently. It's funny now how close to being right that was, that I never belonged there on Earth, anyway."

He turned to face her and wrapped his arms around Rosemary's waist. "I know you won't understand because we lived there at different times, but I used to fly up in the sky." His fingers pushed the wispy hairs from her face, and he tried his best to explain. "I was a pilot, that's someone who drives flying machines, and I was good at it. I guess I thought if I got up high enough, I'd get to where I was supposed to be."

Rosemary pressed her cheek into his chest and held him as close as her belly would allow. "You got there, Daniel. You're home."

He rubbed his nose and lips into her soft hair and stroked her back as he gathered the courage to tell her his plans. "When the baby comes, I will have to leave you both for a while."

Feeling her tense under his arms, Daniel wrapped his hands around her head and brought her to face him. "Agi and I are taking back my kingdom."

"I know." She glanced at her fingers playing in his chest hair and a disappointed sigh brushed over his skin. "I dreamed it. I saw myself walking the castle halls, and everyone bowed to me."

"It's for you, Rosemary. For you and Sigrid." His forehead pressed into hers. "No man will ever dare call our daughter anything other than Your Highness ever again."

He placed a single kiss on her lips and looked down over her body. "You have been my queen since the first day I saw your face, and now you will rule everyone else as well."

Her fingertips slid down the curve of his cheek, and her lips brushed his. "I believe I should thank you properly for that."

The silky belt of her robe glided against his fingers as he pulled it loose. "I can think of a few ways."

With a tug on his waistband, she backed away from him and nodded at the bed. "You can pick one."

The fluffy bed pillows that he once laughed at let him view every inch of her as she climbed onto his lap. "Are you certain I won't squish you?"

He guided her movements, and when he felt her clench around him, Daniel's head fell back, and his eyes closed. "Just do what feels good."

Her hips rolled around his slowly while Daniel's big hands caressed every inch of her. The moonlight danced across her pale skin, and her eyes twinkled as she lost her inhibitions and dared to look at him.

Imaging herself as that warrior riding across the field into battle, she pushed her hands into his chest and leaned forward as she rode her dark fiery stallion hard. Daniel loved Rosemary's kind innocence the most, but this was good, too. Seeing her sure and dominant was different and made the ache to serve her hurt a little more. He raised himself on his elbow with his hand gripping her ass cheek and thrust up to meet her.

Rosemary wrapped her arms around him and pulled him to her breast. When his flashing eyes glanced up from between them, and they slid around his face, an uncontrollable shiver washed over her, and she called out for her King.

When Rosemary fell asleep on his chest, Daniel lay in the darkness, listening to her breathe. Everything he hoped for was just beyond his grasp now.

While Sigrid danced beneath the surface, Daniel caressed Rosemary's belly and spoke to his daughter. "We will build a family so great that we will conquer this world if we choose it. This Realm belongs to us now, my child."

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