One of Us

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A raven cawed and sliced through the salty breeze as it glided into the city by the sea.

The pale, translucent skin of Agamori's hand shielded his eyes from the sun when he peeked up as the bird flew overhead, then made for the Great Hall. "Looks like we may have a new job lined up for us."

The message's importance was known by the bird that carried it. Whatever the content, it must be significant to have a bird of such intelligence tasked with delivering it.

But all Daniel could think of was the day it arrived for Rosemary. The guilt of failing her was never far from his thoughts. His fingers slid through his hair, a sign that the Elder witch came to recognize that Daniel did it often when he was stressed. "What's troubling you? You've been even more unbearable than usual."

Daniel's eyes shot to Agamori, and a huffy chuckle left his throat. "Nothing you can help me with."

With his pale blue eyes traveling off across the cliffs in indifference, Agamori shrugged, and his cheeks puffed when he trilled his lips. "Give her time, Daniel."

Within minutes of the bird's departure, Uzzi came to the two warlocks and nodded to the building as he waved for Daniel. "Come, Daniel, Father wants to speak with you immediately."

As he passed the city dwellers along the way, Daniel wondered what could be so important and if it had anything to do with the Raven.

He stood in the doorway of Nicholas's laboratory and tipped his head, then waited for an invitation inside. "You wanted a word with me?"

Smiling back over his shoulder, Nicholas waved him through with the bending of his fingers. "This is your home, Daniel. You never need an announcement to come in."

Looking around the bottle-lined shelves of the damp basement, Daniel waited for Nicholas to speak.

He came to Daniel's side and crossed his arms, then paused for a moment as he looked him over and nodded. "I have an important task, and I can rely on no one else to do it but you."

The egotistical side of Daniel's curiosity suddenly awoke. He matched his patron's body language as he crossed his arms to hide his excitement about being entrusted with something so important. "Yes, of course. Anything you need."

"Good. I knew I could count on you." The side of Nicholas' lips curled up, and he patted Daniel's shoulder. "My sons and I will leave for the Kingdom of Lidas in the morning. I'll be giving you charge as Steward in our absence."

"Thank you for trusting me." Daniel nodded in respect, and then his hands moved to his hips as he awaited the details of his assignment. "How long will you be gone?"

While he considered the time for travel and the gathering they were attending, Nicholas twisted his lips and shrugged. "I expect a month at the very least."

With a nod of his head, Nicholas led Daniel to the small window that viewed the cobblestone path. Glimpsing Rosemary as she sat in the soft grass reading a book in the sunlight, Daniel clutched at his heart.

Nicholas leaned against his work table and continued. "Mainly, you will monitor our travelers and make sure that they are comfortable. The people of this city can manage their own affairs."

"I understand," said Daniel as he kept his eyes on Rosemary. Always on Rosemary.

Nicholas glanced at his daughter, then back at Daniel. "Rosemary can help you manage our guests. She's done so before, and it will do her good to work. She's still quite nervous, though, and she will need someone to watch over her in our absence."

"You have my word." The breeze caught her hair, and she blew a puff of air up into her face to push it away again. He chuckled through his nose at her silly face, then turned to Nicholas and nodded. "I promise I'll take care of her. You needn't worry."

After glancing around his face for a moment, Nicholas gently patted his shoulder and turned away. "Yes, I know you will. I would trust no one else with my daughter."


As she walked arm in arm with her father to the stables the following day, Rosemary's fiery auburn hair waved in the breeze from the sea past the hill.

Watching from the doorway while he spoke to Agamori, Daniel's breath hitched when he saw her bathed in the morning sun, and goosebumps covered his arms. While he rubbed away the prickly cold, his eyes batted around before they snapped to Agamori. "I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

He huffed through his angular nose, then smacked the back of his hand against Daniel's chest. "Just tell her you love her, you idiot. It's far from a secret, anyway."

Daniel stood a little taller, and his hand met his chest as Rosemary passed him, and she grinned at the uncomfortable formality he reserved for her. "Good morning, Daniel."

Nicholas kissed her cheek, then climbed on his horse as his sons filtered out onto the path and started on their journey. "Take care of my girl."

Daniel's warm hands wrapped around her shoulders, and he backed her out of the horse's path as Nicholas trotted away. "With my life, Father. See you in a month."

As the horses carried her family away, Rosemary fidgeted with the silver chain around her neck and followed behind them while waving them off. "Be careful. I love you."

He stayed up many nights practicing scenarios of how their next interaction would go. Still, as she walked along beside him, words escaped Daniel. "You'll be with me this evening for the gathering, won't you?" Rolling his eyes at his lack of charm, he shook his head at how he always managed to sound stupid when he spoke to her. "Of course, you're always there. I just meant...."

Rosemary smiled at the struggling warrior and pushed the hair from her face. "Yes, of course, I'll be there. I wouldn't leave you alone with all this, Daniel."

Looking over the city as they walked, Daniel sighed and shook his head. "I'm not very useful when dealing with people, as you can tell."

She playfully shouldered him, but he was steady as a rock and never missed a step. "I don't believe that's true at all. You have greatness in you, Daniel. I can see the light of it all over you."

Hoping to have just one more touch of her hand against him, Daniel stopped on the path and tugged at her fingers. "I don't know why you're all so good to me. I've done terrible things, but you treat me like one of you, anyway."

She stepped closer to him and wrapped her fingers around his other hand. "No one really deserves another person's love. It's a gift that's given with no expectations or conditions; that's what makes it so wonderful."

She tried to let go of him, but he held on tight and dipped to meet her eyes. "Is that what this is?"

When the Sentry called her name, she glanced away and waved. The new arrivals were coming, and she was supposed to handle their accommodations. Rosemary held up her finger. "I'll be right there."

Taking back her other hand, Rosemary pulled on his sleeve before she walked away. "We'll talk later, Daniel. I promise."

She didn't even get more than a few steps before she stopped and turned back. She knew he was hoping for an answer, but she couldn't give him the one he wanted. "Just so you know, if there was any doubt in your mind, you are one of us, Daniel. You're as much a part of this place and this family as anyone."

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