The King of all Things

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"No. Please don't." Daniel leaped from his bed before his eyes were even open, and he couldn't remember how he got to Rosemary's side when he reached her. Everything was a blur of panicked screams and his heart pounding in his ears as he threw his arms around her in the dark corner of her room, in which she cornered herself.

Her back was wet under his fingers when Daniel slid his hand to her head and cradled her against his shoulder. "Just a dream."

Her body heat made her scent hang in the air like the flowers in the meadow on a hot day, and Daniel wished he had picked some for her the last time he was there. Every time he went riding across it, he'd catch a whiff of her in the breeze, and it brought amity to his cold, black heart. "Shh."

She trembled against Daniel's chest as he held her so tight that she could hardly breathe, and he pressed his lips against her forehead while he rocked her back and forth. "It's alright; I'm here. No one will ever hurt you again, I swear."

Pressing her face to his hot, bare chest, Rosemary closed her eyes and concentrated on his heartbeat. She tried to match his breaths while they soothed each other back to serenity.

Her soft fingertips stroked the patch of dark hairs on his chest, making him shiver. He stood before many enemies in his lifetime, but Rosemary's touch was the only thing that made him falter.

Looking down over her perfect face bathed in moonlight, Daniel slid his fingertips to her cheek, then drew them down the soft curve of her face.

She closed her eyes as he brought her closer, then whispered a spell he never intended to make. Everything was bigger and more mystical whenever Rosemary was near, so when he said — "sleep now" — she had no choice but to obey him.

Her heavy eyes knitted shut instantly, and he stroked her hair while her soft snores ticked like a clock. "I wish I could just snatch those memories from your mind, and then you could have one night of peace."

Leaning into the wall behind him, Daniel wrenched his neck to the side. The blanket he'd been looking at slowly slid across the floor like a soft snake until it fell as it met his fingertips. He wrapped them both in its warmth and kissed the bridge of Rosemary's nose, then closed his eyes. "Goodnight, my Queen."

When the morning birds sang and the warm sun rays poked through the balcony doors to touch her skin, Rosemary's eyes opened to find Daniel watching her.

Realizing she was still wrapped up tight against his naked chest, Rosemary curled her lips into an embarrassed grin as her cheeks became as red as the apples that grew on the trees outside the gates.

She pushed herself up from his lap and slid to the floor beside him. "I'm so sorry, Daniel. You should've woken me."

Pulling his knees to his chest, Daniel rested his chin on one, then gazed at Rosemary. "Many nights, I listened to your screams and wanted to be the one to come hold you. I know last night was scary for you, but having you in my arms was all I've ever wanted."

She smiled at his way of making her feel safe and afraid all at once. "I'm afraid you might get weary of that. I have nightmares every night."

Gently placing his fingers through hers, then closing them around her hand, Daniel made his vow to her. "Then I'll be here every night. It's my job to take care of you. That's why I came here."

She sighed at her pathetic way and rested her head against his shoulder. "Well, you'll never run out of opportunities. I'm quite a mess still."

"I don't mind." Daniel drew her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips against it. "I have nothing but time and no one else I want to spend it on."

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