The Wedding

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The afternoon sun graced every inch of Rosemary while she stood in the light of the open doorway in front of the full-length mirror. Her fiery auburn hair blazed like Daniel's fires as the breeze carried her wavy locks on the air.

Nicholas leaned against the doorway and oversaw the women working on Rosemary. They braided back the sides of her hair, and it was gathered loosely in the back. "A vision. That's what you are."

With her mother's crown in his hand, Nicholas lifted it to Rosemary's head and said a blessing over it as he set it on her hair. While the handmaid secured it to her head, he stood before his daughter and admired the seamstress' work.

"She's a miracle worker, don't you think?" Rosemary looked down over her white empire-waisted gown that gathered just below her bosom. The neck, wrists, and hem were threaded in gold to match her silver and gold crown's nuances.

Nicolas tugged on her hands and shook his head. "Nonsense. You look beautiful every day, Rosemary, but this is amazing. You look like the proper queen that Daniel would make you."

He glanced down at Rosemary's face and pulled her to his side. "Are you ready, my dear?"

Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, Rosemary nodded. She had little to offer Daniel, but she hoped she could bring a smile to his usually stoic face when he saw her. "Absolutely."

While they strolled arm in arm to the Gathering Hall, Nicholas moved slowly and stopped to see every sight along the way. Rosemary's days of being a simple lady in his city by the sea were ending, and he wanted to capture the last moments of his daughter belonging only to him.

Helping Rosemary down the stairs, Nicholas paused before the venue entrance. "I hope you like what we've done to the hall with such short notice."

Considering her current state, Rosemary wasn't expecting an enormous affair. Still, as she rounded the corner to the hall, Rosemary gasped. "Oh, Father, it's beautiful."

The trees that canopied the hall were decorated with white lanterns, and the ancient statues that guarded the corners were draped in white fabric. There was scarcely an inch of the Gathering Hall not adorned in something glowing and lovely.

Waiting patiently at the other end of the hall stood Daniel. With his linen shirt and long brown robes, he looked less a brawler and more the king she knew he would be someday. The Firestarter glowed in his blue aura like he'd been lit ablaze in ice and moonlight.

He hoped she appreciated their work to make the outdoor space look like the finest cathedral. As her eyes darted around and she giggled at it all, he knew she did.

The white carpet under her feet was littered with flower petals and the crimson and orange leaves that floated down from the trees overhead.

The closer she came to Daniel, Rosemary's belly danced around under her dress, much to the amusement of those watching.

When they reached the altar, Nicholas kissed Rosemary's cheek and passed her hand to Daniel. Circling them, Nicolas faced the couple and guests. "We are all gathered here to witness the binding of Daniel and Rosemary. As in the old times, we recognize that marriage bonds us forever to our mates. In honor of what the Fates have gifted to us, we offer this sacrifice."

A cold sweat rose on Daniel's brow as Nicholas produced the knife from his belt. The ceremony was explained to him, but Daniel closed his eyes as nausea overcame him when his father brought the blade to Rosemary's hand. He breathed slowly to fight the fire inside him as he felt the blade go through her skin.

His eyes snapped open, and Nicholas took his hand and sliced through his palm. While the blood mixed when Nicholas joined their wounds, a glowing white sash wove its way around them.

Nicholas smiled and raised his hands into the air. "The Fates are happy with this union and pleased with their sacrifice of blood."

It seemed like such a ridiculous question that Daniel chuckled through his nose and grinned when Nicholas asked it. "Daniel, do you promise to love, protect and honor Rosemary? Forsaking all others. Faithful only to her and your children."

His other hand grabbed his chest, and the funhouse mirrored glimpse of all their lifetimes smudged together as the words he'd spoken many times came once again. "I swear it."

Her round cheeks lifted under her eyes when Nicholas turned to her next. "Rosemary, do you promise to love, protect and honor Daniel? Forsaking all others. Faithful only to him and your children."

Rosemary closed her eyes to the tears falling down her cheeks and nodded when her squeaky voice agreed. "I swear it."

Nicholas raised his hands, then placed one on each of their shoulders. "Then I now pronounce that the Fates have bound you as mates. You are now husband and wife."

The ancient spell of binding burned onto their ring fingers with those words, and the sash disappeared into the air around them like a million tiny fireflies on a Summer night.

Grabbing Rosemary up into his arms, Daniel smashed his lips into hers as if, somehow, she might disappear with the flecks of white light floating off into the wind. When he let her go, he bowed to the only people he'd ever known worthy of kneeling before and kissed her belly.

Rosemary rested against his shoulder during dinner, and Daniel kept her close with his arm around her. Now and then, he'd kiss her head as he listened to the ancient adventures of Nicholas and his sons. Part of the family he always should've been born into now, Daniel's heart was settled.

He nearly regretted what he was about to do and the news he had to give Rosemary that would surely upset her. It seemed a shame to give up their lives in the Woods, but his kingdom awaited him.

All the months of waiting were over, and as the gentle sea breeze washed over her, Daniel caught a dose of her scent, and it sent a shiver through his whole body. He leaned into Rosemary's ear. "Are you ready to leave?"

Rosemary glanced up at Daniel and nodded as her eyes traveled back and forth between his. His dark, soulless eyes filled with a gold and amber fire only she could see, one meant only for her.

Daniel wrapped his hand over hers and rose to his feet to address his family. "Thank you all for this. Rosemary and I are so pleased that you shared this evening with us, but now it's time for us to take our leave." Giving Rosemary a narrow eye and a devious grin, Daniel kissed her hand. "I have a lot of work to do still tonight."

While his brothers chuckled at his attempt at humor, Rosemary stood and poked her finger in his chest. "I'll hold you to that."

When they cleared the corner, Daniel backed Rosemary to the stone wall and cupped her cheeks as his lips pressed against hers. "We are one now."

Rosemary peeled his hand away from her skin and guided him toward the stairs. "Not yet."

Every inch of Daniel's body hummed in anticipation of what was coming; it consumed almost every thought. When they came to their bedroom door, Daniel opened it and stood back as she passed through.

Sliding her fingertips into her gown, Rosemary pushed the fabric off her arms, and the dress fell to the floor. In the candlelight that engulfed the room, she stood there before him like a radiant goddess, the way her skin shimmered, and her icy blue eyes cut through him.

Taking in her form from head to toe and back again, a smile curled up on the side of Daniel's lips, and he closed the door.

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