Chapter 11 "SUDDENLY"

Start from the beginning

"Why do you say that?" ,I asked with a sharp look on my face.

"We all know that a man is made for a woman and a woman is made for man. You can't just waste your life with a relationship like that. It's not natural. It destroy the order of things. It's real a shame."

I felt a pain on my chest. Brandon's words were drowning me. Can he not see the love that these two have? How come he just pointed out the gender but not the feelings of a person? I don't see shame, I see love, happiness and comfort. It's not easy to find someone whom you can be yourself with, somebody who is willing to take care of you and just love you with all of their heart.

"Did I say something wrong?"

I snapped out of my thinking.

"What?", I asked.

"Are you okay? Do you want to get out of here? We could go to the hotel where I'm staying."

"Y-yeah... sure."

Brandon waved to the waiter and asked for the chit. He paid the bill and he even asked the waiter to keep the change. He then helped me with putting on my coat as we head outside the restaurant.

"It's a bit cold tonight. Good thing my bed is warm.", Brandon jokingly said while placing his right hand on my waist.

"Where's your hotel located again?"

"It's ten blocks away from here. Let me call a cab."

"NO! I think we should walk." I suddenly stopped Brandon from calling a cab.

I know what will happen next, but I don't know if I should go through with it. I need to buy some time.

"Are you sure you want to walk?"

"Yes. Let's walk."

Brandon agreed to walk to the hotel where he's staying. However, this guy is trying to be touchy and already kissing my neck.

Kristina, why are you doing this again? I thought you were done with this?

Let's say you go through with it but in the end you didn't liked the way it made you feel? What would you do then? Is it worth it? What will it prove? All you did was to put something in between your legs and you're done.

Making love is not something that should be played at. I thought you learned that the hard way. Now look at you, you're back in the game. Have you forgotten what happened before?

This is a mistake and you know it.

As we go near the hotel my heart began to beat really fast, my hands are getting clammy and I'm breathing fast.

Suddenly, I heard my phone beeped. When I looked at the screen it was a text.

"I'm on the 7th floor. Let's go." Informed Brandon.

I placed my phone back in my pocket.

Kristina, please turn around and stop this nonsense. This doesn't prove anything.

We went inside the hotel into this grand lobby. Brandon talked to the receptionist as if to ask a favor.

So what if you're gay? Having sex with a guy whom you barely know doesn't change the fact of who you are. You are you. You are unique in every single way. God loves you and He wouldn't change it for the world. You are only destroying and degrading yourself with the fact that making love only means by being penetrated by a man. You deserve to be held with love not to be used as a pass time. You are not an object Kristina. Love yourself a little bit more. If it's with a woman you'll end up with... so be it! Atleast you'll know you will be happy for the rest of your life rather than asking yourself 'what if?'

You know where your heart is. I suggest you go for it.

"C'mon, let's go." Said Brandon while reaching for my hand.

"Brandon, I can't."


His eyebrows crossed in disbelief.

"I can't do this. I have to go. I'm so sorry... I just... I just can't."

I turned around and left Brandon at the hotel lobby.

I immediately called a cab and got inside.

"Where to, young lady?" asked the cab driver.

"Central Park, please."

"Right away, miss."

I am breaking down my walls and I will risk everything. I don't care what other people say, this is my life and I should live it to the fullest. I can't hold on to the grudges of my past, this is me now. The me that has been missing and now found by my heart. Lizzy's right! I should come out of the closet 'cause I don't belong there, I belong out here, to someone... with no boundaries.

I have to be real to myself and stop hiding what I truly feel. I have felt things that I thought I could just ignore no matter how real it is. Love has no gender, I can see it now.

"Where here."

"Thank you, sir."

I paid the cab driver and got out of the cab. My heart is beating fast once again as I approach a bench with someone near and dear to my heart sitting on it.

"I got your text." I said as I smiled at this person.

"I thought you weren't coming."

"Amm... could you do something for me? I just needed to make sure..."

"Make sure of what?"

"Stand up and face me." I said nervously. I can feel I am breathing heavily this time.


"Just do it."

Immediately this person stood up and faced me with a charming look plastered on its face I don't care if people are staring, I just wanted to let this person know that I'm here.

Slowly but surely I gently kissed her lips and she kissed me back. So this is what it feels like to kiss a girl. It's soft and comforting yet passionate.

After the kiss, I looked deeply into her cerulean blue eyes.


Author's note:

Thank you guys for reading my story. I love you all my dearest favorite people in the world. :)

You can post comments and I will much appreciate it if you vote. :)

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