Chapter 45 - Breaking the Barrier

Start from the beginning

Impa immediately rolled to her side hacking out her lungs, desperate to get air into her body. After a few gulps, she managed to stammer, "How...did you know I was there?"

Ganondorf gestured to her loins, "Your monthly flow. It is uniquely different than any other Gerudo I've lived among. You made a careless mistake coming around me this time of month." Impa flushed at his awkward reveal of her condition. She was right in keeping Zelda hidden away each orbit during these times. She would have been discovered long before now.

Saria was puzzled, "Monthly flow?"

Ganondorf rumbled, "Something you will never have to deal with child."

Saria bristled at his comment, "I'm probably older than you Ganondorf!"

He raised a commanding hand for her to be still, "Why did you not choose to go with the others? Why stay when your duty was to your Princess?" He questioned, clearly well versed in the matters of the Royal Family.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures Ganondorf. You should know that." Impa confuted, slowly rubbing her sore neck.

"You did not answer the question." Ganondorf snarled.

Impa was about to expound on her statement when she noticed Ganondorf's attention was riveted elsewhere. He looked beyond her down the corridor, evidently getting a message they were not receiving. She looked at him curiously and saw brief flashes of inner light dance across the ruby on his forehead. Was it some way of communication?

"No." Ganondorf breathed. "It is too soon! Why are they implementing it now?" He roared.

Befuddled, Saria and Impa stumbled after Ganondorf as he raced down the corridors before flowing out into the glaring midday sun. Covering his eyes with his arm, he looked towards the sky and saw Kotake and Koume hovering just outside the aura. What were they up to? Several seconds passed before a huge shudder shook the entire compound. Ganondorf collapsed to the ground in agony as his heart beat frantically.

"What devilry are they causing? This is not what we agreed to!" He yelled.

Saria sidled up to him as she placed a comforting hand on his contorted form. He was clearly in a lot of pain, clutching at his chest as if his body was going to explode. Impa observed the witches high above them. They were drawing archaic diagrams in the sky and chanting in unknown tongues. A chill rolled down her spine as she realized what was coming.

Quickly taking Saria aside, Impa directed her firmly, "Saria, now is the time to put our plan into action. You secure the saddlebags and horses. I will see to it that Nabooru, Giana and Talon are with me when we meet you at the stables."

Saria nodded nervously as another shockwave rocked the foundations of the fortress, causing one section of the structure to cave in. Several screams were heard before being silenced. The barrier was undulating in waves as it pulsated weakly, they could see clearer what lay beyond the malevolent shield. Impa dashed back into the fortress, hoping her objective had not perished in the previous collapse. Saria scrambled over to the stables to secure Epona and Harden for the journey. Ganondorf was barely aware of their absence as he writhed on the ground, clutching his chest in agony.

The next pulse shattered the barrier like a pane of glass. A huge beam of energy from the two sisters punctured the dome, blasting a hole through. Shimmering faintly before fading completely, the sun's rays finally touched down on the compound for the first time in many cycles. Ganondorf's heart stopped beating for all of a few seconds, he gasped in relief as a great weight was lifted off his body. He no longer had to maintain two individual barriers.

My lord! The enemy is attacking en masse. There are hundreds of them flooding the valley! They have constructed a bridge to cross the gorge on their own! The telepathic message from an elder manning the front barricade was panicky. He groaned as he shakily got to his feet.

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