"Just go," Rex ordered.

Hardcase sulked and shuffled out of the room.

"Ahsoka, we have a challenge for you," Anakin grinned.


Good. He had her attention.

"You need to win a spar of hand-to-hand combat with Rex," Anakin challenged.

Ahsoka's face lit up. "You got it, Master!" She threw him a sloppy salute and skipped to the sparring mat.

Rex lined up and struck the starting pose in front of her. Ahsoka grinned like a maniac.

"Go!" Anakin signalled.

This should keep her occupied for a while. Rex was very experienced with hand-to-hand, and if Ahsoka didn't use the Force, he could outweigh her and get her down. If she did this for long enough, she'd get tired out and–

Thud! Rex thumped to the floor. Ahsoka stood over him, still grinning like a lunatic. "Done, Master!"

"How did you–?" Anakin cut himself off, gaping at Ahsoka.

"Now what, Master? Can I go find Hardcase again? We had so many fun things planned!" Ahsoka squealed.

"Yeah, I'm sure you did. But no. You have to spar with Rex again. Best out of five wins," Anakin challenged.

"You got it!" Ahsoka cheered, rushing back to the sparring mat.

Well, only a few minutes later, five matches passed, all of which Ahsoka came out victorious.

"I win!" Ahsoka jumped up and down in glee. "What's next? Can I go find Hardcase?"

"No," Anakin wracked his brain for ideas. "You, uh, have to do an obstacle course!"

"Yay!" Ahsoka squealed. "What's the course? Am I going to jump off a really high spot? Do I get to run? Is it timed?"

Anakin and Rex quickly formed a makeshift obstacle course to occupy Ahsoka. To complete the course, Ahsoka had to do a lot of running and working with the punching bag. Hopefully, that would tire her out.

"Maybe we should just give her a nice, large cup of caf before every battle," Rex chuckled dryly, grunting as he sat down next to Anakin and rubbed his arm. "The droid army wouldn't stand a chance."

"If she has some sort of caffeine hangover in the morning, I'm going to lose it," Anakin groaned, watching Ahsoka attack the punching bag. "Is she ever going to slow down?"

"Hopefully this will at least occupy her until we get back to Coruscant."

"How long until then?" Anakin raised his brow.

"About four hours, Sir," Rex sighed. "Too long if you ask me."

"If I was sleeping, it wouldn't be. But with this insane youngling here, it's way too long." Anakin jabbed his thumb at Ahsoka.

"You're telling me," Rex muttered.

The two sat in silence, watching Ahsoka move around at the speed of light. Anakin figured she was already hyper-active, and the caffeine just enhanced that.

Anakin dozed off several times as he monitored Ahsoka. He was pretty sure Rex was nodding off, too. Just watching her let out all that energy made him tired.

Ahsoka ended up destroying a punching bag and making a good-sized hole in another. After who-knows-how-long passed, Ahsoka finally started slowing down. Forever and a half later, she breathlessly jogged over to Anakin and Rex.

"I-I'm getting kinda tired," Ahsoka huffed, resting her hands on her knees and leaning forward. "I want more... more caf... I like... eating... caf..." Ahsoka flopped down on the ground, not even attempting to catch herself. She continued mumbling something incoherent under her breath as her eyes slid shut and her muscles relaxed.

"Took you long enough," Anakin chuckled, pushing himself to his feet. He kicked her lightly. "You dead yet?"

Ahsoka waved her hand sloppily, making a feeble attempt to push his foot away. Rex and Anakin shared a chuckle.

"Well, I'm going to take speedy here to bed. See you after transit, Rex," Anakin hoisted Ahsoka onto his back so her arms draped over either of his shoulders and her chin rested on one of her arms.

"Sure, General," Rex soluted. "Get some rest. You deserve it."

"If I don't wake up before she does, just make sure she stays out of the caf."

"Will do, General. Will do." 


Word Count: 1,877

Published: Jun. 25, 2022

Sorry, Anakin. Sorry, Rex. 

I like hyper Ahsoka. She'd probably be indestructible if she drank enough caf. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas/suggestions/constructive criticism. 

Bye, peoples!

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