Okay, I have telekinesis that look pretty much like... Magic. It's pretty, I can agree with that. I can do many things with it and even more but most of that was banned by Aizawa because it was used for assassinations. I would never break my promises and especially not ones I make with him. Anyway, huh, magic. Magic. What can I do with that—?


          Just as she wrote her name down, she was called, "Hayashi. Your turn."

          She stiffly stood up, "Right."

          Eyes followed her as she shuffled to the front where the podium awaited her. She stiffly stood before it and cleared her throat, glancing down at the board briefly before flipping it around, "I choose this as my name. I figured it would represent me best."


          Midnight hummed in thought, a hand on her chin, "Enchantress, huh?"

          Each pair of eyes fell on Midnight as they awaited for her judgement. There was no way she would reject this. It wasn't ridiculous like Aoyama or Bakugou's after all. Well, she hoped. She had a bad naming sense after all. She trusted her own judgement most of the time but when it came to naming things, she'd rather jump off a cliff into a field of blades.

          The female hero then grinned, "I like it!"

          Arisa grinned brightly and quickly returned to her seat.

          "Now, all that's left is Midoriya and Iida."

          "That's a great choice, Arisa," Momo smiled at her, "It suits you."

          "Yours as well, Momo."

          Soon, Iida came up and Arisa was quick to notice his darkened demeanour. Clearly something was weighing his mind—he would always be the first to greet her every morning every time she stepped in class but this time, no such thing awaited her. Those eyes of his were concerning. She had seen it many times before. Eyes that were at the brink of doing something stupid. Or, at least, had the potential to be. Should she step in? Should she check in with him? Has she not been paying enough attention?

          Just like Todoroki, Iida chose his name, Tenya as his hero name.

          Arisa frowned. She wasn't used to normal interactions and when she should be concerned. For now, she'd keep an eye on him and investigate what got him so dampened. As she was thinking, Midoriya had revealed his hero name and tearing her eyes away from Iida, she turned to see what his name was and her eyebrows shot up to her hairline upon seeing it. Apparently, everyone else in the class had the same reaction as her.


          "Are you sure you're okay with that, Midoriya?!"

          The boy looked down at his board quietly for a moment, "Yeah, up until now, I didn't like it at all but a certain someone changed the meaning of the word for and blew my world wide open. I was so happy," he gave a nervous smile as his eyes fell on Ochako which made Arisa smile knowingly, "So, yes. This will be my hero name."

          After the names were decided, Aizawa handed out lists to the students that received nominations. Arisa had three pages to choose from and apparently, everyone had only two days to decide. For the students that didn't receive any nominations, they were given a list of forty different agencies to choose from because it was mandatory for everyone to gain a work-place experience. Arisa sighed heavily, her eyes scanning the list in hand quietly and just as Hawks had said, he did nominate for her. She could see his agency's name at the very first page after Endeavour.

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