Chapter 70: Fields' Torment

Start from the beginning

In the meantime, Lia had answered a call from Chloe Hamilton. She responded with a work tone to mask her emotional state. However, Chloe answered with "H-Hi Cecilia....." Her voice was broken and Lia said "Hamilton what's wrong?" Chloe was at a lost for words, Lia could barely comprehend what she was saying. Chloe began rambling "I-It all happened so fast...." Lia was confused and said "Hamilton you need to breathe... I can't understand what you're saying please take a deep breath." Chloe could be heard breathing shakily on the phone. Lia was worried for what could have left her in this state of shock. That is until Lia understood and asked "He's dead isn't he?" Lia got her answer when she began to sob harder. Lia asked "When was time of death?" Chloe sobbed harder and said "18:22" Lia sighed and said "Chloe you need to breathe.... We knew this was coming....." Lia took a deep breath and asked "Did Lauren spend the last few minutes with him....." Chloe said "S-she did..... S-shes very mad she didn't know that her brother was dying....." Lia nodded and said "I know just give her time and space....." In the phone, Lia heard a voice calling Chloe and she said "Lia I have to go... I'll call you later......." Lia said "Bye...." The call ended and Lia stood up. She walked upstairs into Andrew's bedroom. She made a turn to Andrew's walk in closet. She found a wall in the side opposite of where Andrew's clothes were. That's when she felt her body sinking to the ground as she finally let out the tears she's been holding back.

Meanwhile in Jo's and Alex's house, the 5 of them sat in the couch. They were watching ABC still, since they decided to watch the news to see the recent updates. Derek sighed and said "I hate when people just advertise the same thing pretending its good when it breaks in less then a week." Alex sighed agreeing saying "Eli and Alexis always want something from there since they always play an advertisement about this fancy kid toy when really just breaks in a day or two."  Meredith nodded and said "That reminds me of Gatsby when he was a puppy. His toys lasted less than 2 days without breaking." Andrew's face shifted when Meredith mentioning Gatsby. His little pup who he adores dearly must be wondering where he is. His attention was caught by the TV where the news channel woman began speaking "Breaking News! The medical community just lost one of its world renowned surgeons! That's right folks the shocking news came just moments ago that the Carter Fields died at the age of 39 due to a cardiac aneurysm. According to himself, it was inoperable. He wrote a statement prior to his death which has yet been release to the press. According to hospital personal, there was two doctors aware of his condition. They will remain anonymous due request by one of the doctors, but the medical community just lost one of their own. We will continue on with this story when we have more information." The five of them were left with shocked faces in all of them. Andrew immediately stood up repeating "I'm an idiot......" He began looking for his wallet, while saying "She wasn't cheating on me, she was honoring the Doctor & Patient confidentiality code. I'm an idiot to assume she would ever cheat on me...." Jo sighed and said "It was an honest mistake Andrew...." Meredith nodded and said "Yeah Andrew... I thought she cheated too....." Andrew sighed and said "I'll call you guys later I need to go home that voicemail was a goodbye message to her. I need to see her and make sure she's okay...." Andrew immediately left the house after saying goodbye to Jo, Meredith, Derek and Alex. He immediately got into his car and began making his way home because he needed not only to make sure his girlfriend was okay, but he needed to apologize for ever doubting her.

When Andrew arrived home, he immediately went inside to look for his girlfriend. He looked everywhere downstairs before going upstairs. When he went upstairs, he immediately went into his bedroom. When he arrived to his bedroom, he saw Gatsby laying on the floor looking at the closet. When he went into the closet, he found his girlfriend in a delicate state. He heard her sobs as she was pressed against the wall of the closet on the floor. She had her legs pressed against her chest as she cried. Lia looked at him and Andrew immediately brought her to his arms. She immediately buried her head into his chest. Andrew pressed kisses to her temple and began saying "I am so sorry.... I am sorry for your loss. I can imagine he was an incredible teacher...." Lia looked at him and cupped his face while saying "You don't have to apologize.... I seemed guilty and I would have jumped into the same conclusion. In fact, I did it when Sam kissed you.... I completely understand why you would think I cheated....." Andrew sighed and said "Lia I doubted you and you couldn't tell me, because of the Doctor & Patient confidentiality code. You were not trying to hurt me you were just doing what was morally correct. I am so sorry that I left when we were fighting instead of talking it through..." Lia sniffled and said "It's okay.... Just don't leave me alone again....." Andrew pulled her closer and said "I am never leaving you alone again." Andrew pulled Lia closer as she held onto to him tighter. He knew that she was hurting even though Carter was just a friend to her, he was still her teacher and took part in forming her into the amazing surgeon she will be. Andrew knew she would be okay eventually and right now he just needed to be there for her. Andrew couldn't really explain it but just like the quote says "Love is not how you forget but how you forgive. Not how you listen but how you understand. Not what you see but how you feel. And not how you let go but how you hold on." – Unknown

—A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this update. Love you guys <333

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