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My name is Jennie Kim. For 14 years of my life I have lived as like a normal child. Going to school, having birthday parties and having friends over for dinner.  But never did I think that would be taken away from me.

It was 1923 when it first started, when the creatures we now know as Vampires today, first appeared. They quickly spread like wild fire. Killing humans and feeding off of them leaving many helpless babies parentless.

For my family and I the Vampires attacked on a normal day. I was  returning home from school when I heard a terrifying scream coming from my house. I quickly ran into the house only to find my father's body on the floor covered in blood and my mother being attacked by one of them.

I just stood there in shock of what was happening to my parents. "RUN." My mother whispered. So I did just that, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, without a destination in mind. I just wanted to run as far away from that place to safety and possibly forget about what I had just witnessed.

Fast forward to 18 I'm now a slave. But not just any slave, the type of slaves that are taken and beaten into submission and trained to be the perfect slaves. Because we're told that masters don't appreciate dumb and immature slaves. They want slaves that know how to behave.

Some of us get lucky and get sold to kind and merciful masters but others are not so lucky. As a slave you have no say over your body and life, all you're there for is to be used and then tossed away.

Just like the rest, my day arrived too. The day where I would be sold at the slave auction. Me and the other humans are bathed early in the morning in fragrant baths and dressed in the skimpiest clothes available, and then taken out by carriages to the town square.

There's a huge crowd here. No doubt all vampires, dressed fancy clothing and waving paper fans in their faces due to the heat. We are led out of the carriages onto the stage, and the large group of vampires start cheering.I suddenly start to feel exposed wearing only the short dress.

The Vampires infront of us are all staring with lustful eyes, and some are full of hunger as though they haven't had a meal in years.

A man comes on the stage and greets the Vampires present. After the greeting he one by one starts selling us. After a while the only people left are me and another girl. She looks terrified, I would be too if I wasn't so numb inside. I killed all my emotions long ago.

The host then starts the bid on the other girl left with me and the Vampires start pulling out serious money. One vampire called 100 pins, and another one out bid him by 50 pins. The bidding continued until the last man won the bid at 2000 pins. The highest bid of the day.

The reason why the bidding reached such a high number is because unlike other slave sold here we are trained and most importantly we are all virgins, something vampires find very valuable.

The host then moves on to me. I'm shoved to the center of the stage by a guard and immediately people start gasping at my appearance. Their in awe of the way my face is constructed and my tiny eyes. There aren't a lot of asian people in Hoffport. And I'm currently the only asian slave.

"Ladies and gentlemen this slave is very special, as you can see she has very beautiful and foreign features. The Vampires who acquires this one will be very lucky. So we will start the bidding at 500 pins. Do I hear 600?"

"800 pins!"

"No 1000 pins!"

And so forth the Vampires  started bidding. I myself am surprised at how much money they're willing to pay for me. I never considered my features as special, infact I hated it. Because I never really see anyone like me. Everybody here is difference, some have milky white skin while others have a beautiful golden brown.

The bid kept getting higher and higher until a man's voice boomed above the rest.

"10 000 pins!"

The whole crowd and myself were left shocked. Not expecting the man to bid so much money.  The crowd cleared to reveal a tall man wearing a fancy suit accompanied by sleek black trousers. Although the mans outfit looked clean he however did not his face was dirty and his eyes looked like they would pop out of their eye sockets at any moment.

"SOLD! to Mr McConaughey. You can now come collect your slave sir."

My new master doesn't even spare a glance at me he just turns to his butler and said.

"Take her to my carriage." His butler bowed and Mr McConaughey left.

The butler climbed up stage with a metal collar and put it on my neck without uttering a single word to me. The collar is cold and uncomfortable but I wouldn't dare say anything about it. The man led me off stage by the leash. He then led me to the back of the building where a red carriage was waiting.

There he opened the door and motioned for me to get in with his hand. I climbed up on the carriage and sat in. Besides me was the man from earlier, my now master. His face was very stoic and he was staring straight ahead. The butler than got in his position and gave the horses a whip so that they start walking.

The carriage started moving to where I assumed the man resided my new home. Wherever that is.

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