"Luckily, he managed to cancel out some of your attack so he escaped with a few ligament tears on both his arms, a few gashes here and there but it wasn't anything drastic. You did quite the number on him."

          "I see. That's great. He really made me give my all," she chuckled, "It'll be a shame if he were crippled for life 'cause of me."

          "You good to walk?"

          "'Dunno. Haven't tried. Let me," she swung her legs off the bed and let her feet touch the ground. Aizawa kept an eye on her and she slowly pushed herself up, feeling the world spin for a moment but she shook it off. These injuries were nothing—she had been through worse after all. Aizawa's eyes were still on her, ready to help her somehow should her legs give out. She made sure not to because she wasn't sure how he'd be able to help her with both his arms broken.

          She then realized something as she reached up to her eyes, realizing that they were bare and exposed. Aizawa noticed this, "It was destroyed during the fight but I've prepared for this specific moment. Reach into my left pocket."

          Arisa looked at him confused but did as told. She dug through his pockets and felt something plastic and thin. She pulled it out to see circular shades and she laughed slightly, "Wait. Are these a replica of Gojo Satoru's sunglasses?"

          "I figured you'd look better with these on instead of that fabric you use everyday and yes, they are a replica because might as well get something you'd like," he explained, voice gruff as he stepped back, watching as she slipped it on. It wasn't as great as the blindfold when keeping her quirk expenditure limited but it was enough for her to bear with it. The lenses were opaque so it was good enough.

          Arisa gave an amused grin, "You act like a true parent, Aizawa-san. Being prepared for me and all that."

          "Shut up," he snapped and quickly headed towards the door, "The awards' ceremony is soon and your friends are waiting outside. Let's go."

          Upon opening the door, her classmates rushed in.



          "We're so glad you're alright!"

          "That was an amazing fight!"

          "Yeah it was so manly!"

          "Hey, we both have broken arms now," Midoriya snickered as he moved his bound arms slightly to emphasise his comment. Arisa chuckled, "Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming all the way here to check on me."

           "Of course. You were so cool—gaah, I just can't get over it. I should've recorded it," Kaminari lamented.

          "Okay, everyone, I get you're excited but she has to go for the award ceremony now," Momo, ever the rational one voiced out and everyone immediately looked like they just realized it. Ochako smacked her forehead, "Right. I was here to accompany you there. Come on, Arisa. Let's go!"

          Aizawa had long disappeared so she quickly walked out the room, her legs still slightly wobbly but she pushed through. Arisa felt warm by how her classmates went all the way to the infirmary to see her and even complimented her abilities. It almost made her tear up. Almost because her quirk was associated with death and now she was using it for good. It felt strange but she could get used to this.

          Suddenly, she realized that her right arm felt oddly bare and when she looked down, her heart sunk when the elbow sleeve was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it was destroyed during the fight. This made her blood run cold—this festival was broadcasted all over Japan and if people, specifically the press saw, it'd be over for her. Arisa kept her cool, though. She just had to make sure that she wouldn't move her arm in any way that would expose her inner arm.

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