Chapter 22

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The mc initiated the start of the competition and started interacting with the little kids.

" Are you ready? " The mc asked with an excited smile.

Everyone nodded their heads albeit unenthusiastically, one could see that they are not as energetic like any other kids.

Seeing as all of them are well behaved. The mc opened his questionaire and said. " First Round, the questions that will be asked to you guys are just easy, I assure you."

" Here, first question. Q.1
What number is represented by the following: 8 tens 5 ones. "

Mc then repeated twice in order for all of them to hear his words clearly.

" A. 58// B. 850 //C.85//D.580 "

" Ok, start writing in count to 10, 9, 8. Cover your answers don't look at each other's boards. ",

All six children lowered their heads down to write their answers. Almost simultaneously, they all overturned their board and looked simultaneously at the mc.

" Wow, so fast, these kids are really promising and capable. Right?" The mc commented and turned to look at the audience.

Most of the audience were the family members of the participants, and some of them are the family members of the participants' friends. Since the venue they were using were located in Blossom City. Most of the students in the school together with their parents, also attended to support the Cherry Blossom Primary School's participant.

The answer was obviously, C.

Everyone clapped for the children who all got it right.

" Second question, how many munites are there in an hour? " No choices, immediately write down the answer. Answer in 10, 9... "

Still, all six representatives all got it right. Shao Boya wrote down the number and lifted up his board.

There are several questions that are tricky for the little kids especially when a question came out regarding the greater and less than symbols, because all students couldn't exactly distinguish which direction facing the greater than symbol should be.

Some failed to recall the symbol of greater than and failed. Shao Boya on the other succeeded on remembering it.

Song Jingjing, the little girl sitting on the very first seat pouted when she got a mistake.

" I forgot!! Aaaaah " Song Jingjing stumped her feet on the ground in frustration but she still held her temper and just pouted with an agrrieved expression.

When the next round was initiated. The six candidates immediately returned to their focus and perked their ears to listen carefully.

" Alright, listen carefully my children. For this round two , we will be having a math riddle, ok? Have you practiced math riddles before? " The mc asked the little students.

Wang Ling, with a handkerchief behind her back nodded politely. Yao Chao- on the other hand, sitting beside Shao Boya subconsciously touched the rim of his spectacles and coughed with his mouth covered with a mask. The two young masters,Jiang Shirong and Fan Qin , sitting between Yao Chao- and Wang Ling just aloofly rest their cheek on their fist.

" Ok "

The mc was awkward for a moment seeing their reactions. He coughed and mouthed the question out loud. " if you multiply me by any other number, the answer will always remain the same. Who am I

" You have ten seconds to answer the question!!!"

All the students immediately uncapped their marker and started writing down on the whiteboard while thinking hard about the answer of the question.

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