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"Okay," Raven began setting a few small stones in the floor in front of us to visually show us her plan, "Shaw, you and I are going to go unlag the system from the control room. Not a word to Diyoza about who actually locked them out, understood?" We all looked at him and Shaw simply nodded. "Murphy and Lucy, you both will leave through one of the emergency exits and run as far away as you can. The others will be in the forest waiting for you."

"Wait, what others?"

"Not important, kid." Murphy shut me up and signaled Raven to continue with the plan.

"Now, your collars have trackers which will allow Diyoza and her men know where you are at all times. Make sure you remove them carefully as soon as you can. Once you're safe and away from here, get to Bellamy and Octavia. Let her know there are missiles coming their way."

We all agreed on the plan and started to work it up. Shaw lead us both, Murphy and I, through the ship until we made it to a door with the word 'EXIT' written on it.

"This is it. Be safe." Murphy and I shared a look and thanked him, ready to run as fast as we could.

"Ready munchkin?" He smirked my way.

"Last one there is an enemy of wonkru." I replied taking off. I could hear a distant 'what?' Coming from Murphy, I only laughed in response feeling a huge amount of adrenaline running through the woods again. The smell of plants, the crunching of twigs and leaves beneath my shoes, the moonlight illuminating the way. It all made me feel alive.

Murphy was not far behind me, we took a slight turn until someone tackled me to the ground. "Hey, hey, hey. She's with us!" Murphy exclaimed loud enough for them to hear, but not loud enough for the prisoners to come our way.

I coughed and the fist aiming my face slowly pulled away. "Lucy?"

"Echo." She whistled, probably as a signal for the others to come. After doing so, we hugged tighter than we've ever done. "I missed you.." my low voice said being muffled by her jacket.

"I missed you too, hun."

"Is everyone okay? Where's Raven?" Another voice spoke up, making us pull away and stand up. Emori, Harper, Monty, and- I smiled -Toby appeared behind us.

"No way.." Toby rushed to me and engulfed me in an extremely tight hug.

"Long time no see, dumbass."


After getting help from both, Monty and Emori, in getting our collars removed, we all translated in the rover to a cave nearby to spend the night in. They told me everything that happened in space and I told them everything that happened on the bunker. Everyone was shocked to hear I had a son, specially Toby. His reaction wasn't the one I expected, he only questioned me who's it was and, after hearing the whole story, replied with an 'I'll kill him', everyone agreeing with him.

Some went to bed earlier and some of us had to stay on watch. Echo and Harper were doing theirs and, since I couldn't sleep, I joined them outside.

"Can't sleep?" Harper asked noticing my presence. I shook my head and sat next to her, Echo being laid next to a rock. "How was it like down there?" She asked after a moment of silence. I shook a deep breath and before I could let it out, Harper spoke up again. "You don't have to, you know, answer me. I'm sorry, it must've been really hard."

I sad-smiled at her, "it's okay, mom always said speaking about it helps." Echo turned to look at me and so did Harper, ready to pay attention to what I was about to say. "The first few months were probably the hardest. My sister and I wouldn't even be able to have a decent conversation since everything she ever said was to defend Lexa and Clarke for not being there." I turned to look at the front, not wanting to see their faces when I told them all the bad things I did all those years. "I'd always contradict her, saying they had done it on purpose and could've taken us with them."

"After the first year, things were easier. Octavia would try her best to find the good in the bad. Abby and Kane dedicated themselves to create interactive spaces for kids and teens to spend their time at." I explained remembering the first time Beka and I went to the library. "Having activities and things to do throughout our day made it easier to stop thinking about what we could be doing outside.

Anyhow, as the years passed by, we started running out of food. The council, mainly conformed by Octavia, Kane, Abby, Indra, Anya, my sister and I, had many meetings to debate what to do with the issue. After many discussions, they came up with the idea of," I stopped not being able to say the awful reality we lived in.

"Hey, it's okay." Harper's hand rubbed my back, comforting me and making me understand I wasn't alone and they wouldn't judge me for anything I said.

"They came up with the idea of eating ourselves." They both quietly gasped, "Kane and I disagreed at first, hoping to find any other solution that didn't involve cannibalism and violence. Finding none, we all had to adapt to eating our own."

"How would they decide who to eat?" Echo asked, now taking a seat next to me.

"The pit." They looked at each other confused. "It's where the enemies or traitors of Wonkru would end up on. These contestants would fight til death until only one remained. The others, would be basically sacrificing themselves for the rest of us. All of me for all of us."

"Not all of it was bad, though. Aden, Beka, and I sure had great times as a family."

"Happy birthday dear Aden," we all sang along as I walked carrying a little candy bar stolen from the kitchen which had a candle on top of it, reminding me of my mother, "happy birthday to you!" Everyone clapped for the little two year old, who's smile was the biggest one I'd ever seen.

"Blow out your candle, baby." He leaned over in his seat and took a very deep breath in before letting it out strongly blowing the flame out. Abby had managed to get us all extra rations for the day to celebrate my son's birthday. Octavia wouldn't dare to visit me ever since we fought, Madi showed up earlier just to wish him a good day and left quickly without saying another word. The only ones in the small party were Abby, Kane, Anya, Beka, and myself. "Guess what I got for you." Aden's face lit up, eager to know what his present was.
I reached behind me to grab my very first, and only, teddy bear. Its fur was dark brown and it had a red ribbon tied up around its neck.

Aden's eyes widened along with his smile. "Thank you mommy!"

I smiled to myself thinking back at my son's second birthday. Abby and Kane really tried their best to make each and everyone of our birthdays the best one's we'd ever get. And, being honest, most of the best ones have been down there. "Anyway, Octavia found a way to block her feelings and keep them buried deep inside her soul. Indra tried stopping her, yet nothing seemed to work."

Harper and Echo both stayed quiet not really knowing what was the right thing to say. We all stayed quiet, though. That is one of the things I learned to appreciate during these past five years, to be with myself and enjoy the silence. It is a moment where I can let my thoughts ramble freely around my head.

Due to this, I got to understand myself further down during my pregnancy. Beka would always be there for me, however my hormones would be all over the place sometimes and even I couldn't stand myself.

"I'm really proud of you," Harper later spoke up, roughly pulling me out of my thoughts. "Just thought you should know." I smiled warmly and gave the woman a hug.

"Thank you."

a/n: chapters will probs be shorter lol

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