the city of light

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It's been weeks since I first got here. Since I first woke up and met my family for the second time in my life. Some people were acting really strange ever since Jaha came back from his trip to find 'The City of Light'. It's like they're happy all the time, which I certainly don't have a problem with, but they act as robots. They seem to not feel anything at all.

I could take long walks now, I felt way much better. This place, which name I learned was Arkadia, is really nice. It has beautiful landscapes, and cool technology. The only bad thing about it is that Jaha's minions are everywhere.

As I walked around, Clarke suddenly came running towards me with Lexa, Bellamy carrying Raven, Octavia, and Monty. I've been socializing more, by the way. I got to know more about Harper, Toby, Echo, and Anya. Harper would take morning walks with me around the forest while we fetched some flowers to decorate the gardens. Echo and I would have archery sessions, since she loved to do that. She usually got super happy whenever I asked her about the topic, and seeing her happy made me happy. Returning to the others, I know their names but not much about them. Why was Raven asleep, though? "We need to go."


"No time for questions, we need to leave now." She said and I started to run with them. We got inside the rover and drove through the woods.

"Why is Raven asleep?" I asked looking at her. Lexa sighed and wrapped an arm around me.

"She took the chip."

What? Why would she do something like that?

"Why is she asleep? The others have taken the chip as well and don't seem to be unconscious to me."

"We had to put her down because she knows how to destroy the chip, or ALIE, who stole her memories. But to destroy it, we need to be away from Arkadia and away from ALIE. We need to get to a place no one knows about." Monty explained me, I nodded and started to think about places, but the only one I knew was Arkadia, and that was definitely not where we were going.

"Hey what about the trading posts, is there one near?" Octavia asked looking at Lexa. "Yes, Nylah's. Go north, we'll find it there." The rest of the ride was pretty silent, even possibly hear everyone's concern towards Raven.

We finally made it to this 'Nylah's' cabin. We all got down and she looked very confused, Lexa explained her what happened and Nylah agreed on letting us keep Raven inside her cabin.

"How are you feeling? I heard what happened.."

Nylah said as she walked towards me, I looked up at her and smiled lightly. "Better, I guess." She smiled and poured some water in two cups, giving me one.

"I'm sure you'll get all better soon."
Nylah taught me how to do the 'indestructible knot' with ropes she had. As I tried to do it, she explained why I should know how to do it. When she was younger, someone named Mountain Men took her mother, but Nylah managed to take one down by tying him up to a tree.

We stayed talking for a while when suddenly some loud thuds were heard in the back of the cabin. Nylah and I both rushed to see if everything was okay but were cut off by Clarke in front of the door. "Don't go in there, we'll take it. Nylah stay with Lucy."

Nylah and I left the cabin to take a walk, Raven's screams were heard everywhere inside the cabin. Nylah is actually a really nice person, she made sure I understood why I couldn't go in there and why Raven was acting that way. It was only ALIE controlling her, not the real Raven.

After a long walk we heard the rover's engine near us. "Did they took the rover?" I asked her, she looked at me confused and shook her head. "We need to hide." I whispered and we got behind some bushes that were near us.

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