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third person

It's been about two weeks since the youngest Griffin disappeared. Everyone, or at least the people who were close to her, were not functioning well. Lexa and Clarke barely talked but always tried to be strong for Madi. The twin's eyes were red and swollen because of all the crying, and Toby wouldn't speak to anyone, he built his walls up very high and closed himself to everyone. Anya would always be found in Lucy's room, remembering every single memory she had with the girl.

"You okay? You seem tired..." Clarke approached Lexa, who was reviewing a map that had X's and O's all over it.

"I need to find her."

Clarke wrapped her arms arms around Lexa also placing a gentle kiss on her neck. "We will."

"Commander, we may have news on your child." Lexa and Clarke both looked at each other, shocked.

"Get Anya and Indra." The guard nodded and left the room.

"Should I tell Madi?" Clarke asked.

"No, we need to make sure they're good news. I don't want to let her down." Clarke nodded and they both left to the other tent.

"What are the news?" Clarke cleared her throat and spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Scouts near Azgedakru's trading posts have been mentioning something about Queen Nia planning a negotiation with the Commander over a newly kidnapped prisoner." He said.

"How do we even know it's her?" The commander spoke up. Her intimidating tone making the guard shift uncomfortably in his position. "It's Azgeda we're talking about... Are we really having this discussion?!"

"Hey, it's okay. We can check, it may be her." Clarke grabbed Lexa's hand and gave a gentle squeeze. Lexa looked at her, took a deep breathe, and nodded.

"Thank you, Jeremiah." The guard bowed in response and walked away.

The few people left in the room all looked over at Lexa, waiting for her command to go and find her.

"We can't-"

"Lexa are you hearing yourself?" Anya asked her, crossing her arms.

"If that prisoner is not my daughter I will loose the little hope I have left!" The commander raised her tone with every word leaving her lips. The whole clan was desperate to find the missing girl. Nobody knew what to do or where to look.

"If you won't go, I will. I care for her as much as you do. We both know Azgeda and what their intentions have always been, so we better get there before they can do anything." Anya's voice cracked the slightest at the last words, not wanting to think the worst out of the situation.

Lexa let out a frustrated sigh and gave Anya a cold glare, "We leave at dawn." She walked through the tents, nodding politely at the small crowds gathered to eat dinner together and catch up about their day. The commander hesitantly took a glimpse of Lucy's tent, her heart aching and eyes burning still holding the tears back.

"Mommy look at me!" Lucy exclaimed as the horse she was riding with jumped a log. Lexa smiled dearly at her daughter. "Did you see me?" She ran over to where her mother was after getting off the horse.

"I did! You did great baby!" Lexa picked her up and gave Lucy tiny kisses in her cheek. "I'm so so so proud of you."

"Why won't you look for me?" The older woman stood there confused as to why she had said that.

  "What? Wh-what do you mean baby?" Lexa's pale expression quickly turned into a confused frown, making her little vein in her forehead pop.

"Why won't you go and find me?"

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