the beginning

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My name is Lucy Griffin. If your mind is rambling on the last name, it does have to do with 'the' Clarke Griffin, my mother. I was born on February the 4th, alongside my twin sister, fraternal twins by the way, Madi Griffin. She was born first though, but only for a few minutes, and yes, we both have night blood.

I'm 16 now, and life on earth is cool. I live in a small village near a lake, Elysian, it's a Greek word and it means beautiful or creative, peaceful and perfect. That's what my grandmother, Abby, and Marcus Kane decided to name this place.

We have many tents and cabins. The cabins are like hangout spots, and the tents are homes or rooms. My mothers, Wanheda and Heda, live in a big tent. And on each side there's a small tent, one for me and one for my sister.

We are actually their biological daughters, the flame has a certain type of reaction with 2 out of 10 commanders that allows them to have offspring. According to Lexa, Becca Pramheda made this so that the nightbloods wouldn't extinguish.
Anyway, living in quarantine without getting the chance to leave the gates surrounding our village can get hard, but nobody can actually stop you from leaving, can't they?

The sound of the front door creaking open distracted me from my reading. "Luuuu, where are you?" Tobias asked.

Toby has been my best friend ever since I was little.

"Over here." I replied.

"Hey, guess what I just found out." I looked at him raising my eyebrow, showing interest but allowing him to continue. "There's a waterfall!" He replied excited.

"I think the phrase 'if you ever leave again, you'll sleep outside' didn't quite hit you, did it?" He rolled his eyes at me. "Besides, I have practice with your mom, and if she catches us sneaking out again, we're dead."

His parents. Toby is Bellamy and Echo's firstborn. You could consider me as Echo's second, considering she had been teaching me how to use a bow since I was six. Unlike his father, Tobias wouldn't ever dare to touch a gun. He believes the key to peace is kindness, kinda philosophic, I know. He grew up that way because of his little brother, the smallest member in the Blake family, Andrew, or Drex as we call him.

"Oh please," he took a seat in front of me, "we're gonna be careful, mom won't know."

"Seriously Toby!? If Lexa or Clarke ever find out that you, not only just took her outside, but also went to fight with the other kids at TonDC, they'll kill you." Echo said as she took us to their tent quickly before anyone could see us.

"Echo, come on, you would have agreed on letting us go."

"I know sweetie, and believe me, I'd love to take you both fighting, but I can't be risking your safety."

"I'll send Drex to tell Clarke that you're staying here for the night. No more fighting. Both of you. Have I made myself clear?" I looked to the boy in my left and pursed my lips, he sighed looking at me as well.

"Yes mom."

"Yes Echo."

"It wasn't thaat bad." Tobias chuckled as we both remembered 'last time' we got in trouble.

"If by wasn't that bad you mean having to interact with you for nearly 48 hours, I don't want to know how bad is." I replied closing my book.

"Come ooon, I'll tell Lexa. Bet she can't resist my charm." He fixed his hair proudly.

"Toby, my mom's a lesbian."

"I'm a lesbian too."

I rolled my eyes standing up, "I'll make sure you have a decent funeral." He scoffed and took my hand leading me outside.

To my surprise, my mom actually said yes; well technically, she didn't say no, so that's a good thing. Only bad thing is she gave me the look. Toby didn't seem to care and just dragged me out to the waterfall.

"See, told you I'm Heda's favorite." He smirked looking at me, a small snort left my lips as we kept walking. Once we made it, I looked around and, have to say, it was breathtaking. The water was beautiful, clear, and transparent. The birds chirping made it feel as if we were somewhere far from here. We walked and talked for a while, just enjoying each other's presence.

"So I told her, 'no Gaia, I don't know Becca's favorite color' why should I, though? So then this kid raises his hand and goas all crazy trying to get Gaia's attention to answer her question. But she's like 'shame on you Tobias, shame on you'" We talked about our lessons , to which he apparently had a few complaints about.

"Isn't it like, black or something? I mean, she made night blood dark for some reason, you know?"

"Dude, that makes so much sense."

As we kept talking, I began to hear another pair of voices apart from our own. "Toby," he kept rambling on and on about how stupid his last birthday had turned out. "God just shut up, get behind that rock." As we did, the voices kept coming closer and closer until two figures revealed themselves, being Madi and Luca.

Luca is John Murphy and Emori's son, casually being our same age. I don't know him very much, but he's a nice person and I think there might be something going on with my sister. It's cute, he gets nervous around her.

"If he gives her a kiss, you have to do my homework for a week." Tobias teased, whispering.

"You're so on. But I know Luca, he won't just go for the big one, it'll be on the cheek." I reasoned looking at the two carefully. "If it is, you'll do mine for a week."

"Deal." He said and we both shook hands before turning our attention back to my sister and her companion.

"You look beautiful today." Luca said turning to Madi, she smiled and blushed.

"Thank you."

"Here it comes, here it comes."

"Can't you just keep it quiet!?" I whispered making him smile at me.

After an eye contact that felt like forever, Luca finally got closer and kissed her cheek.

"I'm sure Gaia won't notice your handwriting in my homework." Tobias turned to me, his mouth was slightly open as to why I had guessed correctly what Luca would do. "Just try to improve it so she doesn't suspect a thing."

We got out of sight and walked back to camp. As we walked, we could see there were new people around, Skaikru maybe, since one of their villages burned down last night, or that's what I heard.

"Why are they here?" Toby asked looking around, in a curious tone.

"I don't know, think I heard mom last night talking about some fire in a village, probably Skaikru's."

It's been ages since I last visited Skaikru's camp, so it was impossible to recognize everyone's faces. But one of them did caught my eye. He was tall, had dark green eyes, and a cute smile on his face. "Hm, not bad." The words escaped my mouth seeing the guy in front of me lift a box from the ground.

"Are you serious?" The boy next to me snapped his head my direction quickly. I closed my eyes tightly.

"I was not talking about that."

"Yeah, see if anyone believes that."


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