purple sky

501 18 2

third person

"Okay, it went well." Abby said taking her gloves off while also wiping the layer of sweat covering her forehead with her forearm.

"Well? She's not even awake!" Toby snapped looking desperately at the doctor.

"Toby, she can't be perfectly fine in the blink of an eye, but she will be okay. Lucy's strong. Why don't you get fresh air? Sounds good?" The boy sighed but stood up nevertheless, leaving Abby, Jackson, and Clarke in the tent. Clarke approached Lucy and kneeled down, gently stroking her hair.

"Hey baby girl," Clarke whispered, afraid that any loud noise would rip her daughter's life apart. "I know it's hard for you to continue breathing, but I need you to keep fighting." Abby watched the scene dearly in front of her, feeling her heart break. "Please fight for me."
The other two decided it would be best to leave the tent and give them some space.

"What happened!?"

Clarke's heart sank hearing who it was. "Madi..." she whispered. The girl started crying just as she saw her sister laying unconscious with the many wires connected to her arms and chest.

"What happened to her!?" She cried, Clarke hugged Madi and tried to calm her down.

"She's going to be okay. She's strong."

Lexa, however, couldn't find it in her to see her daughter in the state she was in. Convincing and cursing herself it was her fault and hers only. She had done that to her daughter and the commander would never be able to forgive herself for that. Her mind was a mess, an actual tornado full of different emotions swirling across her mind. She could feel, even if she wouldn't admit it, some reassurance in her mind. Someone saying her daughter will be okay, she was safe.


When I opened my eyes, most of the pain was gone. My head wasn't hurting anymore and neither did my whole body. I sat in the couch and rubbed my eyes, I forgot for a moment where I was, but then remembered about Becca and Callie. There's something familiar about them, like I somehow know them. Maybe I do, it's not like I can remember much.

"Hey! Feeling better?" Becca walked inside the little room.

"Yeah, a lot actually."

She smiled and sat down next to me. "Is there anything you remember?"

I sighed, "Nope." I replied looking down, playing with my fingers. She grabbed my hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm going to help you get it back, okay?" I smiled lightly and nodded.

We both went downstairs to the lab where Callie was. She seemed to be writing something down in a notebook. "Hey sleepyhead, how are you feeling."

I cracked a smile walking close to where she was. "Better, thanks for the pill? That's how you call it, right?"

"Glad to hear that, yes."

"Okay, lay back here." Becca pointed to a small, narrow bed, which looked more like a table, but it felt soft. "I'm going to place these in your head. Don't worry, they're like stickers. It won't hurt a bit." I hesitated at first, but Becca didn't care, as she proceeded doing her work.

"I'm here, okay?" Callie assured holding my hand.

"Drink this." Becca gave me a small cup with a blue, transparent liquid. I drank it and instantly felt myself getting drifted away.

I opened my eyes and I was in... a waterfall. Why a waterfall? It was really beautiful, but that wasn't the weird part. The sky was, it was purple with loads of stars, very pretty, though.

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