untold stories

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mentions of labour and birth ‼️

third person

"Well, when Clarke was in labor, she started having some complications. These complications were severe, according to Abby, these could lead to killing the babies. Of course, no one knew there were going to be two. Abby told Lexa to calm Clarke, because if she kept being all stressed out and moving, she could pass out and you would've died."

"Lexa hold her hand, I need you to calm her."

Clarke's breathing was super fast. "Clarke, hey, I'm here. I need you to breathe with me, okay?" Clarke nodded and closed her eyes as she breathed in and out.

"Good Clarke, keep doing it." Abby told her and prepared herself with Jackson to help Clarke deliver the baby.

Clarke's calmness soon faded away, she started screaming and moving around in pain. "Why did I ever let you get me pregnant!?" Every sound soon faded after Clarke's sentence. Jackson snickered turning around while Lexa's and Abby's mouths were wide open.

"I'm sure she doesn't mean it that way..." Abby reassured Lexa with an embarrassed look. "Don't just stand there watching, help your damn wife!"

"My damn wife is your damn daughter as well!" Lexa responded before turning back to Clarke.  "Clarke listen to my voice, breathe in, breathe out. Repeat with me, okay? Listen to my voice. Focus on my voice." She held Clarke's hand while cupping her cheek with her other hand.

"Abby then led Clarke through birth, and Madi was born. But little did they know they were going to have twins." Luna smiled at her as Lucy's eyes were threatening to spill the tears they were holding. "So when Jackson noticed Clarke was still having contractions and was still in pain, he figured out why. When Abby told them about you, their faces lighted up, for a moment, Clarke even forgot about the pain. But she had to push, one more time."

"Uhm, Abby, she's still.. uhm.. still having contractions." Jackson told the other doctor, while she cleaned up Madi.

"What?" Abby came closer to check on her daughter. "You're having twins, congratulations." Lexa looked at Clarke and Clarke looked at her, they shared a warm smile as they held each other's hands.

"We're having two babies!" Lexa exclaimed sweetly holding onto Clarke's hand tightly.

"Now push." She interrupted the couple.

"As Clarke made her last effort, you finally came out. But there was something that got everyone's attention." Luna's voice cracked as she remembered the events that had happened over 16 years ago. "You weren't breathing."

"Why isn't the baby crying?" Lexa asked Abby as she took her to another place of the room to clean her and check her up. "The baby's not breathing... she's not- Jackson!" Abby rushed to where her assistant was at to do some CPR on the baby. As soon as Clarke heard those words, her heart sank, she was broke. So was Lexa.

"Abby told them what was wrong, you're hart had a little problem. It wasn't being able to pump enough blood for your body." Luna explained drawing small circles with her fingers in the girl's hand. "She decided then to hand you over to the both of them, just so they could hold you at least once in their lives."

Clarke's sobs echoed in the room. Lexa was crying too, but she wasn't one to show it. Not as much as Clarke did. Abby then came to where the broken couple was and placed their little baby next to Clarke's chest. Lexa sat down next to Clarke and it was now that you realized the commander was able to show her feelings, she was still a girl that could be broken.

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