Chapter 26: Busy Day and a Headache

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It was Saturday morning. The sun was shining calm and radiantly, perfect weather to go outside for a walk in the park is what other people might suggest. The shop was busy, having a rush of customers and few tourists who were eager to buy valuable and peculiar antiques that can only be found in Lucas shop. But the Man of the house was out to receive the weekly delivery of new supplies of antiquities while Wendy and Joseph are working non-stop to attend to the paying customers buying a variety of their products, even Hitomi is helping the two teens out.
Then Ryan arrived downstairs, wearing a black T-shirt and jeans, and the usual rubber shoes that he always wore. His eyes slowly widened from the realization that their house is almost over run with people.

"Oh, you're finally awake," Wendy said to him from behind the cash register with an exhausted voice.

"The shop is packed..." Said Ryan.

"Yeah, one minute a tourist bus stopped in front of the shop, and then a few minutes later, this happened" Wendy gestured the rest towards the crowded area.

He could see Joseph helping the customers in picking the right antique to their liking, Hitomi on the other hand was trying to help the customers like Joseph but she failed to even let out a single word due to how nervous she was in speaking towards people she didn't know, even if they had good intentions.

"We never had this many people buying antiques before, this is good news for our financial situation but bad news for our limits, I'm already exhausted trying to handle customers who know how to bargain. Why did you oversleep by the way? Did you have a good dream?"

"...I guess so" Ryan muttered his reply to Wendy, making the brown-haired female raise one of her eyebrows.

"Where's Uncle Lucas? Shouldn't he be helping?"

"That cunning old man... He left to pay for the new deliveries in the city, leaving us here doing all the exhausting work"

"Haha, well then I guess it's time for the future generation of the Cunningham to help you"

"Thank you, Ryan. We would really appreciate it"

That being the end of their conversation for now. Wendy went back to her working mode once a bargaining customer walked up to the register. Meanwhile, Hitomi seemed to be growing even more nervous towards a group of beautiful females.

"Umm, Miss? Can you speak?" Sad a foreign-looking female wearing an all yellow attire of jacket, shorts, and shoes.

"I think she's too nervous to speak?" Said the other female.

"It's alright, we just want to ask for your opinion on which necklace is better" Another female tried to kindly reassure Hitomi but it didn't work.

The group of females was starting to be troubled by the nervousness of Hitomi until Ryan stepped in to save her from the social warfare.

"It's alright, Hitomi I'll handle this. You can go to the kitchen and make some tea, we would really need it after this" Ryan whispered, moving close towards Hitomi's ears which made the female feel restless and even more nervous.

"O...Okay," She whispered a reply and quickly headed towards the kitchen while Ryan turned around to face the females who were, all of a sudden, mesmerized by his unique and peculiar charm that he failed to realize throughout the years.

"I humbly apologize about that, she is just really nervous in front of people. I would be glad to have a look at all of you beautiful ladies in your current predicament. I promise to do my utmost best"
Ryan spoke with a charming voice that he never once used since arriving in this town. Placing a hand on his chest and slightly lowering his body forward as a gentleman's gesture. Using the knowledge that Ronald thought him to please the troubled customers, but little did he know, they were more than pleased.

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