Chapter 12: Illumina of The Lake

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The cold breeze of the early morning made everything seem like it was winter. The time was 4 am, Ryan did not sleep that much seeing that his thoughts were overflowing his head. At exactly 9 am tomorrow, he and the others must venture into the lake and try to see if they can take at least one clear photo of the creature he saw so they can prove to the people that it is real. But he couldn't help but think that what if Wendy and the others end up getting hurt or worse, get killed by the monster itself? He would never live with that conscience if that were to happen, knowing that he came face to face with the terrifying creature and barely escaped its Jaws of death. The possibility was becoming too real, too real for him to take, why didn't he think of the possibility that someone might die when they execute this action?! His heart raced in his chest, even with the shivering cold, sweat still dripped down from his forehead before his whole body soon heated up. He would never let any of them die, he didn't care what happens to him as long as they are safe he is satisfied. Suddenly his pupils started to shake, looking like a person who was about to lose his mind, he was afraid, afraid of what might happen to them so with one gulp of his saliva and with a clench of his fists, he stood up from the chair he was sitting in his room and quickly headed downstairs to the basement where Lucas kept all of his unused equipment. He searched for something that can help him prevent the possible tragic future, anything, anything at all, he was desperate, desperate to protect them, and there he saw a large Harpoon Gun, hidden underneath a pile of boxes filled with nothing but old clothes and Styrofoam. The Harpoon gun didn't look like it was used for a long time but still had that shine to it that can make others think that it was still brand new. The lad immediately thought of the aquatic weapon as something he could use when dealing with the creature. His attention instantly focused on a strange symbol on the Harpoon Gun, the symbol looked like an eye with strange straight lines on top, it was probably a tattoo idea or something, nothing strange there. or is it? Without further overthinking anything, he picked up the large harpoon gun which was surprisingly light for some reason. There was only one Harpoon for the gun so if he were to use it, then his one-shot must count. With a black sack that he found lying on the floor, he placed the harpoon gun inside to make his carrying easy and proceeded to head to the living room, where he started to make a warm tea to calm his nerves after placing the sack with the Harpoon gun on the side of the door frame. After the warm tea was made, he walked outside and sat on an armchair by the Shop's porch. He gazed at the dark yet satisfying view of the forest, where fireflies are seen lighting up the darkness and making the view even more beautiful. Ryan truly missed being around trees, watching the light of the fireflies made him remember the time where his father would often take him outside his house to catch the same lightning bugs and place them in a jar, where they can shine brighter in a small, transparent place before setting them free after a few days. He took a sip from his green tea, the taste was something he only failed in making, he could never make a good tea like Sasha but he still wanted to try, try until he can share his hot green water with his Uncle and friends. The pleasant sight indeed relaxed the lad. The cold, yet calm winds of zephyr made his hair dance across the light breeze, feeling the beauty of the moonlit night as he waited for the rising sun. But little do the Peculiar boy know, that deep inside the shadow of the forest, there was a tall, black hooded figure with a bow and arrow attached on its behind while crouching on a large branch of a tree. Their eyes were laser-focused on nothing but the distant boy before disappearing faster than a blink of an eye. With the sun finally, in the desired position, the moment of truth was finally in place. The time was 8:30, and Ryan was already walking towards the direction of Shooting Star Lake after leaving a note to Lucas saying that he went out jogging. A small lie for a big truth. During his walk, he felt a sudden presence behind him, he was alerted and didn't hesitate to execute a punch if he had to. But all rested assured when he realized that it was just Wendy, attempting to surprise him as she snuck from behind but failed to do so of course.

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