Chapter 13: The Girl of the Library

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"You have failed!!!"

Yell a vague silhouette of a large-bodied creature whose voice was so deep that it can trigger anyone's Flight or fight response when coming face to face. The creature then started Murdering Ryan's friends one by one with its bare hands and long, sharp horns on the side of its head, each one more gruesome than the last. Ryan stood there with eyes of disbelief before screaming out of pure rage and insanity, only thinking of how he can break this creature's more than one way so it could feel the same pain he feels, but for an unknown reason, the lad could not move any of his muscles or limbs so he was stuck at one of the most horrifying torture that a selfless man can receive. Until a tall, slim figure with white chains shackled from a particular part of its limb, appeared from behind, using one of its chains as a Garote and strangled Ryan across the neck from behind. His back was forced to arch upwards as his eyes stared at two distant creatures, a large wolf whose fur was the same as the raging fire and skin as hard and crusty as the molten rocks inside a volcano, growling aggressively at a blue butterfly that was flapping its wings and moving towards a random location. His teeth slowly gritted as he was rapidly losing his breath due to the painful strangle of a creature from behind, his pupils started to shake and rolled upwards as he could feel his final breath was slowly disappearing as his view of things slowly started to turn dimmer over time. Soon the creature from behind leaned forward to the side of his face and whispered something in his ears, something that was too quiet to be heard except for Ryan, but the language was so distorted and unknown, it was almost as if it was making each word up, but whatever it was, it made him widened both of his eyes in shock before it yelled in a voice that resembled a distorted videotape.

"Good, now wake up!!!"

Ryan then woke up, jolting out of bed with his eyes wide open, panting heavily as sweat dripped down from his forehead. He ran his hand across his neck, it was as if he could somehow feel that he was choked in the real world as well. He averted his eyes towards the open window with the sun in view, it was Saturday and he remembered that during weekends, Lucas is out so the people guarding the shop were him and the Staff, and he overslept. He placed his hand on his chest, feeling his still racing heartbeat, as the fragments of his dream suddenly flash in his head

"Another nightmare…."

He muttered before putting on a black t-shirt to replace his orange sweater that was drenched in sweat and heading downstairs to see Joseph and Wendy working their usual job. As Wendy heard footsteps coming down the stairs, she turned to her right and saw Ryan who just woke up but had that troubled look of him, and immediately realized what the reason was.

"Another Nightmare?" Asked Wendy, leaning forward on the Counter, while sitting on a wheelchair as she stared at him with concern in her eyes.


Ryan replied with a monotone voice before walking into the kitchen and pouring a cup of coffee that was already made since they have an instant coffee machine. The lad headed back to Wendy's counter and sat on a chair, staring blankly at the burnished wood of the counter while Wendy and Joseph couldn't help but stare at him in a growing concern.

"Dude, you've been having strange nightmares since we ignored that note at that lake 3 weeks ago. You keep saying that we shouldn't pay any attention but we're worried, are you sure you're alright?" Joseph asked with a concerned voice towards the troubled lad as he wiped the window with a clean white cloth.

"I'm alright… don't worry… but there was something different to this dream… I saw a large creature… and it killed all of you… and the other one… strangled me with a chain…"

Joseph suddenly stopped wiping the window as soon as he mentioned what the creature did to them, his face dropped to a frown, feeling troubled and worried about their friend, the same goes for Wendy.

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