Anakin snorted and continued snoring. Ahsoka let out a long breath, thanking the Force for her efficient montrals. She made it safely out of their quarters and glided down the broad stairs, on her way to the classes.


Ahsoka had never been so disappointed for her classes to end. She chewed her lip, still dreading a conversation with Anakin.

I should stop running, she thought to herself. I need to take responsibility and have a conversation with Anakin. It'll all be okay.

No, she countered herself. I'm not ready. I can stop by the archives and study for that big test. I need to do that anyway.

Ahsoka thought she must've been weak because she gave in to the latter idea. She scouted the hallways, making sure Anakin wouldn't pop up anywhere as she pressed towards the archives. She reached her destination safely.

Ahsoka had never been so dedicated to studying as she hunkered down in the archives. So three hours, six study guides, and eight thousand sources later, Ahsoka finally laid her head on the desk in defeat. Time to face Anakin.

Taking as much time as possible, Ahsoka cleaned her work area. She strolled slowly to her quarters. With any luck, Anakin would've abandoned her to see a certain senator like he always did. Maybe he could be convenient about it for once.

Drawing in one last breath, Ahsoka palmed the door open and crossed through the doorway silently. Anakin was there but he appeared to be completely occupied on his datapad. Maybe he wouldn't notice her?

Ahsoka almost made it to her room. Almost.


Ahsoka grimaced before forcing her expression to relax and slowly turning around. "Master?" She imitated his tone.

"You're late," Anakin crossed his arms, smirking faintly.

"I know."

"Ahsoka, listen. I am so, so sorry. I–"

"That's the issue here, Anakin," Ahsoka snapped, surprising even herself. "You're always sorry. It's always 'I'm so sorry, Snips' or 'I'm sorry Ahsoka' or 'oh, Snips, I messed up, forgive me' but you never do anything about it! You just keep going and doing the same, stupid things. You keep killing people and forgetting about training and leaving without telling me and crashing ships and–"

"It's the ship's fault, not mine," Anakin interrupted in irritation.

"That's not–"

"There's always something wrong," Anakin went on. "The hyperdrive is broken or the console isn't functioning properly or–"

"Anakin, that's–"

"And you've skipped training before, too, Ahsoka," Anakin growled. "You've skipped it three times this month."

"I was throwing up," Ahsoka groaned. "But that's–"

"And I have someone else to spend time with. I can't just give you all my attention all the time. We made a schedule, remember. I spend plenty of time with you. You can't selfishly take up all my time, it doesn't–"

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!" Ahsoka screamed. Anakin clamped his mouth shut, visibly startled at Ahsoka's outburst.

Tears brimmed Ahsoka's eyes. Her shoulders shook and her lip quivered. "That's not the point," she repeated in a soft voice.

Anakin just stared at her in surprised silence. Ahsoka took it as a cue to continue.

"All the time, if you ever hurt me or upset me in any way, you appologize immediately. That's not a bad thing. The bad thing is when you keep repeating your mistake. You and I made a schedule of when you would see me and when we would train together and when you would be away. You stuck by that really well for a little while, but then you started skipping training and forgetting to help me with homework again.

"And then you wouldn't even tell me if you were leaving. You and I agreed that if one of us ever wanted to diverge from the schedule, we would at least tell the other. It's really unnerving when you need your master but you can't find him anywhere.

"Normally I wouldn't make such a big deal, but you went too far this time. You killed a whole gang of people. They hurt me, yes, but they didn't have to die in return. Just... just promise me you won't do that again, Anakin. You went too far. So, yeah, I might be selfish, but you are sometimes, too." Ahsoka wiped her tears away and drew in a shaky breath to ease herself. She peeked anxiously at Anakin. His expression was unreadable.

Oh, no. She'd gone too far. She'd said too much. In a moment, Anakin would burst out in anger and–

Two arms squeezed Ahsoka against a firm chest. Anakin. Ahsoka stood there like a log for a long moment, then slowly wrapped her arms around Anakin's torso.

Anakin sniffled into Ahsoka's montrals. "You're right. I'll change. I'll work on it. It'll take time, but you can be patient, can't you?"

"Yeah," Ahsoka mumbled into Anakin's robes. "I can."

Anakin released Ahsoka. She stepped back, wondering what was next.

Several beats of wordless moments stretched into an awkward silence. Ahsoka chewed her lip. Anakin scratched his neck.

"So... I'm just gonna head to bed," Anakin offered a lopsided grin and backed up awkwardly.

"Yeah, yeah, I should too," Ahsoka agreed. She pivoted and walked to her room, feeling like a huge burden had lifted from her shoulders. "Goodnight, Master."

"Goodnight, Ahsoka. Don't let the bed bugs bite!"

"Wait, there are bugs in my bed?!"

"No, stupid, it's an expression."

"Oh, okay. Goodnight then."



Word Count: 1,534

Published: Jun. 23, 2022

Hooray, funny ending!  

I have nothing else to say. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me if you have any ideas/suggestions/constructive criticism. 

Bye, peoples!

Ahsoka Tano One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें