Tevis:"Let see... Dada told he will coming tomorrow right let's wait and watch ... What he is upto guys ... You can go know ..."

Next day everyone was waiting for Nova return to mansion and it's been years he left Thailand and he never return back after he left ... He always told that he is having work and taking care of the business in the London and also thier mafia business ...

Type:"Hope Nova buy me dresses and chocolates and cookies and lots of toys ..." Tharn smile and nod his head while he look at tevis who was keep scrolling the phone ... He smile and move his head to the door while tevis look at tharn back ...

Nova:"DID YOU MISS ME PAPA..." Type almost run towards Nova and hug him while tharn walk and hug his son with type ...

Type:"Oh my god .... My baby Nova grown up all and he look handsome and your tall then me you brat ... Why don't you come see papa and everyone here ... If you grown up means doesn't mean you don't care about us ... I am not talking to you .. " type cross his hand on his chest and look at Nova who smile and smirk at his papa...

Nova:"Oh i should throw all the chocolates and dress on the trash it's seems ... If my papa don't want then no one will get it ..." Type look behind Nova and find lot of luggage behind and hug Nova tightly ...

Type:"Papa forgives you baby Nova ... Let check on the chocolates come come ..." Nova laugh and kiss his cheeks while a girl pop her head inside and look at everyone...

Gulf:"Oiii.... Nova who is that girl over there ... Is she your friend or what ... Coming darling why are you standing there..." She nod her and get in with a shyness on her face ...

Nova:"Grandpa's and papa ,daddy and uncles ... She is my wife Hannah... Hannah meet my lovely family ... It may take time but they are really good and lovely in Nature....

Hannah:"Hello ... Nice to meet you and hope you accpet me ..." Type cries hugging tharn while Nova move and about console him ...

Type:"You married without my concern Nova... How dare you and she looks beautiful and cute... My cute daughter in law..." Nova and Hannah sigh in relief while other roll thier eyes ...

Nova:"Why is papa having mood swings... Wait don't tell me daddy .. "

Zee:"Yeah your lovely papa is pregnant and that too with four babies inside him... Welcome to the committee and welcome to the hell ..." Gulf hit his head while saint and others laugh at sulking Zee ...

Nova:"Oh my god ... I am going to be brother again ... Wait where is my lovely sisters and brother and uncles ... "

Alex:"Finally you have noticed us huh brother ... How are you ... Willow and me,natty and Scarlett are fine and i too have good news for you..." Nova pulled from hug and look at Alex ... "MEET MY HUSBAND TEVIS ALEXANDER SUPPASIT..." Nova look at tevis and smile at him genuinely...

Nova:"Nice to meet you tevis and welcome to the family ..." He hold tevis hand tightly while tevis pull hand from his grip ..."

Tevis:"Nice to meet you brother in law... And you too mrs Hannah..." Hannah smile and nod her while willow come from behind mew and look at Nova with a little smile ...

Nova:"Long time right willow ... Baby have grown up ..." He hug her while tevis look at willow face which don't show any sort of expression or happyness on it....

Mew:"Come on move to your room and fresh up ... Let's talk later Nova ... And Hannah fell free baby girl go head ..." They move towards the room while Nova look at tevis and smirk at him ... All four noted the smirk on his face ... While tevis and apo,yu nod thier head ... While willow gulp down ...


Spoiler ...

Nova:"Oh my dear brother in law... What are you doing in the middle of the night in the kitchen...what any help ..."

Tevis:"You can call me tevis ... Don't need formalities mr Nova..." Tevis gulp the water and move towards his room but next thing make him stop on his way ...

Nova:"Really i should call you tevis or how about i call you chief officer Resse... Oh my god i am totally sorry for taking your name all of sudden... What do you think i don't know anything... WAIT AND WATCH MY BROTHER BROUGHT YOU INSIDE THIS MANSION... THE SAME BROTHER OF MINE WILL THROW YOU OUT OF HERE ..."

So hope you guys like this chapter ❣️....

Let's see in coming chapters sweethearts ❤️🥰❤️....

Please don't forget to vote and comment sweethearts ❤️😘❤️....

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