11| King's Gambit

45 7 0

Requester KaptainKitten0 

Reviewer _Rizz_ 

Good morning, author!

I'd like to firstly apologize for taking so long to do your review. I had been able to finish your story before complications occurred in my life. But I'm back and hopefully things are a bit more smooth from here on out.

Now, let's get into the review.

I've been reading a lot of stories lately that's out of my comfort zone, and to be honest, they've all been gems. I've never read a story like this in particular, but to say I'm enjoying it so far would be an understatement.

You do a great job with managing your characters despite there being so much right out the gate. The diversity between each of them is refreshing and their personalities are well thought out and beautifully executed. I see a few authors sometimes struggle with handling the personalities of their characters if they have many, and most times they just function and exist the same. So I applaud you for being able to do that.

I'm really enjoying the way you make the trials play out. I'm extremely grateful that you stretch it and don't just write it to be a chapter or a chapter in a half. For me, making it as long as you do makes it seem a bit more realistic and so far, besides Jasper's character in whole, it's my favorite thing about your book.

Your story pacing is thoughtful. The way you're slowly putting pieces together and unraveling Hank's purpose is one of the best I've seen. Nothing has happened too quick or too slow in my opinion.

I also really enjoy how your trials have me 100% questioning who the killer is as well. The first one I had missed ALL the clues and so when the killer was revealed I was actually really shocked. I applaud you for that as well, I don't think I could have guessed at all it was her.

I do question Hank's display of emotion sometimes though. Only because the way he is portrayed in his flashbacks and at the beginning of the book is a more thoughtfully firm, observant detective who doesn't do sadness. But I'm sure his emotional shift is a outcome of his current situation. I just felt the need to share this thought of mine.

Before I finish, your rating:

Story flow/plot: 5. You're doing a great job so far.

Grammar: 5

Dialogue: 5. Another thing I love about your story. Reading your character interactions/dialogue is both amusing and exciting for me.

Creativity: Big 5

Overall rating: 20/20

I can't tell you enough how good your book is so far. Every chapter leaves me wanting more and questioning what will happen next. Who will die next. IF someone will die next. Who is Hank really? IS Hank the mastermind? Is Hank and Jasper really connected? The cards. The whole ordeal. I'll definitely be sticking around until the end.

I thank you for giving me the opportunity to review your story, and I hope to read more in the future. Thank you.

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