10|Blood Secret

40 8 1

Requester historyfan2003 

Reviewer WriterofStarlight 

Title & Blurb

The title is very compelling and fits the story.

The blurb is organized and gives plenty of information. There are places where it's a bit wordy, but it's still understandable.


I'm not normally an avid reader of historical fiction, but this story might get me to change that. You took the time to set up an organized introduction and historical glossary, both of which help readers understand the rest of the book. It's clear that you spent a lot of time coming up with the characters and scenes, and it makes for an intriguing storyline.


Because of the writing style used, it's difficult to connect with the characters' emotions. That being said, you did an excellent job of conveying their thoughts and personalities through the narrative. Their interactions and relationships are complex, intriguing, and engaging.

Story Sequence & Pacing

The story is well-paced and I haven't seen any inconsistencies or plotholes so far. There are several sub-plots threaded throughout the book, and I've enjoyed seeing how they interact with the main storyline.


The grammar could use some refining, as there are several repeat words or phrases, missing punctuation, and run-on sentences. However, all of these improve as the book goes on, so I think you'll be golden if you just go through and do some editing after you finish this draft.


You have an unorthodox writing style, and although it took me some adjusting, I grew to really admire it. Because it's written more like a play or screenwrite, it's going to be difficult for the reader to connect with the character's emotions like they could in a different style. That doesn't make it a bad or lesser way of writing; in fact, it gives you a different strength altogether. It gives you more fluidity between scene changes and helps the plot stay more organized, things that you utilize beautifully.

Because your writing style is unusual, you might have people complaining about it or telling you it's not very good. Take those comments with a grain of salt; you're the author, and you know what kind of book you want to write. Keep going, and trust yourself :) 

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