29| Chaos Begins| One more highschool comedy

25 7 9

Requester Kathy_Marwin 

Reviewer deviljooniefics 

Hello there! Thank you for requesting a review, I hope you will be satisfied with this review. If not, feel free to leave a comment on this chapter or you can pm me as well:)

I really do apologise for the delay in this review, I had been caught up with some work and was indeed quite busy.

Title and Blurb- 9/10 I love the title and the blurb! The title already gives off a vibe of a fun storyline, and the blurb keeps the curiosity intact. Additionally, the cover is quite creative as well. Kudos!

Creativity- 8/10 The plot was a creative one, for sure! At points, the storyline did not make much sense but then again, it has been mentioned earlier so I suppose it does make sense.

Characters- 8/10 I could say many of the characters couldn't be related to real life, but surely they did have pretty much understandable character traits. They could be imagined as a character even.

Flow- 9/10 The lengths of each chapter were long, but again, it has been mentioned beforehand so it isn't really an issue.

Grammar-9/10 The grammar was actually really good. There were almost no grammatical/punctuation errors, the description was about right, and the paragraphs were spaced well. Good job!

Overall- 43/50 Overall, it was a fun read. I hope other readers would find it a refreshing read as well. Nice work author!

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