3| Tethered Minds

60 12 2

Requester MiniMoxx 

Reviewer WriterofStarlight 

Title & Blurb

The title is magical and fits the book perfectly.

The blurb is well done and gives good insight into the story without spoiling anything. A few sentences feel a bit wordy, so if you can make the information more concise, that could help draw more readers in.

I don't often comment on the aesthetic setup of a story, but the pictures and colors you have in this book are so beautiful and organized. They add more depth to the story itself, which is what I feel aesthetics should do.


I've had the opportunity to read this book once before, and it was my genuine pleasure to read it again, especially with the added chapters. The storyline and worldbuilding are absolutely magical, organized, and altogether flawless. I can read this book over and over again, and still learn something new.

The debate between the Tether being science or magic is fascinating, and a great way to give your readers information without overwhelming them. I want to learn more every time I open this book.


This story is centered around two main characters, Eden and Atlas, and the story is told from both perspectives. Where it's written in first-person, it's a common mistake to lose sight of which character is which, or for them to blend together. You don't have this problem at all–each perspective has a distinct voice and personality that flows through the narrative. Both characters have hopes, fears, desires, and flaws. I fell in love with them right from the start, and you've only made them more vivid as the story goes on.

Story Sequence & Pacing

The plot is nicely done, with no plotholes or inconsistencies despite having such an intricate world-build. The pacing is good, though it feels a little rushed in the beginning at times. That's mellowed out a lot as the story's gone on, so I wouldn't worry too much about it as it's still your first draft.


Punctuation and grammar are good. There are a few small errors here and there, but nothing that won't be fixed in your next draft.


This book deserves a spot on everyone's reading list, honestly. It has such a wide variety of emotions, and all of them are explored beautifully. Keep up the amazing work! 

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