Chapter 43: Rebirth

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Engines roared on the streets of Gotham as race cars zoomed by the crowd stands. Y/N, in a full black car, felt the wind hit his face. Except for his upper lip, where a mustace had grown fully in over the last few years.

Y/N passed another car and manoeuvred during a turn to pass another, taking him into third place. On the straightaway of the streets, he was able to push the car to its limits and pass the leading two cars.

The speedometer started to go into the red, indicating that he was pushing it too hard.

"Y/N," His crew chief said. "You're pushing the car too hard. It's not ment to take it."

"I'll coax it," Y/N told her as he continued on.

"That's it, I'm engaging computer overide," She said as the small screen next to the sppedpmeter said the same two words and the car started to slow down.

Y/N punched the paneling next to the steering wheel column. He then reached in and tore the wires out of the system and the car went back to it's normal speed.

"Don't think it's working," He said.

"You son of a bitch, are you trying to kill yourself?" The crew chief asked.

Y/N looked at his back mirror and saw that the other cars had caught up to him. He knew he had only seconds to decide to slow down or not.

The panel then told him that the car was starting to malfunction. The wheels started to swerve and Y/N lost control of the car. It started to roll as the other cars drove around it, with the car catching on fire.

The television that night had the story of the race as Bill, one of the GCN, talked about it.

"Spectacular finish to the Neuman elimination. Looked like a flaming coffin for billionaire Y/N Wayne for sure," He said. "Turns out Wayne bailed at the last second..." He looked at his notes real quick. "Suffering  only minor burns."

Ever since Thanos had won in Wakanda, most places in the world got better. Gotham City however, got worse as the new channel had a new stroy the next morning.

"Hideous slaying of a group of nuns last night the latest in the brutal crime spree attributed to the Mutant gang," Dave, the morning GCN anchor, spoke. The channel changed to a guest of the Gotham Gazette named Jeff Adams.

"Crime is at a record high, the city has gone to hell, and no one seems to be doing anything about it," He claimed.

Channel 4 had more news as Lola spoke about it. "Death threats have once again been leveled by the Mutants against 70-year-old Commissioner Hearvy Bullock. Citizens have been calling for his retirement in hopes to ease tensions, but he had this to say in response."

The screen changed to the former dective as he stood at a podium.

The screen changed to the former dective as he stood at a podium

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