Chapter 31: Everything Burns

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That same morning Commissioner Gordon had gone to the hospital to visit Harvey. He walked into the room and saw that Harvey was looking to his left, hiding the side of his face was was burned.

There were a few moments passed. "I'm sorry about Rachel," Gordon said as he then signed. "The doctor says your in agonizing pain but that you won't accept medication. That you're refusing to... accept skin grafts."

"Remember that name..." Harvey said with his voice raspy. "You all have for me when I was in internal affairs? What was it, Gordon?"

"Harvey, I..." Gordon started, not wanting to say it aloud.

"Say it," Harvey persisted. "SAY IT!"

Gordon looked at the ground. "Two-Face. Harvey Two-Face," He said.

Harvey then turned to look at Gordon, showing him if full face. One side was normal from before, but the other side was a whole different story. His skin on that half was black, charred from being burned, with patches of the dead skin that where missing. His eye lid was gone from that eye. Half of his lips were missing and there was a hole in the skin where his cheek would have been.

 Half of his lips were missing and there was a hole in the skin where his cheek would have been

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"Why should I hide who I am?" Harvey asked as he then looked away.

"I know you tried to warn me," Gordon said. "I'm sorry. Wuertz picked you up. Was he working for them? Do you know who picked up Rachel? Harvey, I need to know which of my men I can trust."

"Why would you listen to me now?" Harvey asked.

"I'm sorry, Harvey," Gordon apologized.

Harvey turned to Gordon. "No," He said. "No, you're not. Not yet."

Seeing that Harvey was not going to help him, Gordon left the room and stepped into the hallway. When he did, he was Maroni waiting for him.

"This craziness, it's too much," Maroni said Gordon.

"Should've thought about that before you let the clown out of the box," Gordon told him as he started to walk past him.

"You want him?" Maroni asked making Gordon stop. "I can tell you where he'll be this afternoon."

It would seem the a few members of the United Nations do not have social lives, because a few of them had gathered to write a proposal a few days before about the Avengers.

At the Avenger's Compound Thaddeus Ross, the Secretary of State, was speaking to the Avengers. He was in front of a long rectangular table there they sat with Y/N and Felicia in their suits in chairs via hologram, since Y/N wasn't going to leave Gotham in a time like this. Tony was also there, sitting off to the side.

"Five years ago I had a heart attack and dropped right in the middle of my back-swing," Ross said as he made the motions of the swing. "Turned out it was the best round of my life because after 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass, I has found something that 50 years in the army had never taught me. Perspective."

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