A Double Date Gone Wrong

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It was lunch time, and Chiisai was relieved at the sight of empty tables. The place was only halfway full, but even still, it was loud, and it reminded her of the dream world, when multiple people had nightmares at once.

Her arm twitched, and she pulled it behind her.

An older woman stopped to look at them. Dreams of her second husband flashed across Chiisai's eyes, and nightmares of her first.

Kurenai and Asuma went ahead to the table, and Kakashi placed his hand on Chiisai's back.

She jumped, startled at his light touch.

"You alright?" He asked. He leaned closer and added, "You don't have to do this, you know."

"I'm fine, Farm Boy," she said flatly, taking a step forward.

She wasn't going to back out now, of course, especially when her life suddenly felt so finite.

She didn't expect to be alive by the end of the week, and she had realized too late that she had spent too much time inside her apartment, refusing to go out and live her life.

So Chiisai took a step, and another step, and Kakashi trudged behind her as they made their way to the table. The wooden floors creaked under her shoes, and the green fabric of the booth shined under the bright lights above.

Chiisai found herself scrunched inside across from Kurenai. Kakashi sat down beside her, and the cushion sank, and she felt his Shuriken holster press against her thigh.

Their arms brushed against each other, and the two looked away.

Chiisai frowned as she moved her feet freely. They were nowhere near the floor, and she suddenly felt very insignificant around the people around her.

"So," Kurenai said, "Chiisai- I'm curious as to why you hired a bodyguard, especially someone of such high rank."

Chiisai replied, "Ah, well, that's an easy answer." She nudged the ninja next to her and asked,  "Kakashi, why don't you tell her?"

"Of course." Kakashi frowned and replied, "She believes someone is trying to kill her."

"Really?" Asuma said. He looked Chiisai over and added, "I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to kill you."

"Oh, you'd be surprised," Chiisai said. She quickly changed the subject by asking, "I noticed the sash on your waist- what's that about?"

"I was a part of the twelve guardian ninja for a time," Asuma said. "I earned quite the bounty in the black market."

Kurenai smiled. "Try not to inflate his ego."

"What? She asked a question," Asuma shrugged.

The waitress came by, handed them their menus, and got their drink orders.

Chiisai was quick to avert her eyes, but the sound of the young woman's voice brought a memory back.

One of the nightmares Chiisai has shattered in the dream world had been hers. Chiisai had absorbed the emotions in the process. One of her loved ones had died during the sand village's attack, and the sadness had seeped into her dreams. Himari- that was her name.

Not just sadness, but loneliness, and heart ache, and the loss of a future that was never meant to be. Her cries had echoed throughout the dream world, and Chiisai couldn't forget her voice.


"Hmm?" Her eyes darted up to Kakashi. Everyone at the table was looking at her expectantly.

"Kurenai was asking what you do for a living," Kakashi said. He looked slightly concerned, so Chiisai attempted to put on her best smile.

"Ah, sorry. I'm a librarian at the central location," she said. "I mainly work in the back."

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