Putting on Airs

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Kakashi watched from the roof as Koshuu left Chiisai's apartment

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Kakashi watched from the roof as Koshuu left Chiisai's apartment. It was obvious the man was in love with Chiisai, and probably had been for some time. Unfortunately for him, he had fallen for the most unavailable woman in the leaf. Kakashi almost felt sorry for him.

Kakashi stood, stretched, and placed Icha Icha in his back pocket. Her rooftop had two folding chairs out, and there was evidence of use. It was likely some chunin patrol spot, given the building's height and it's proximity to the center of the village.

As for Danzo's men, there were currently two several buildings away. They hid under the shadow of a rooftop, their scents hidden, still as statues. His eyes had darted to several hiding places, areas where he would have chosen if he were in their place.

This was the reason he should be focused on the mission. Not the teasing, or the banter, or the fact that even though Chiisai was sick and injured, he still found himself attractive to her, wanting to know more about her, both intellectually and emotionally. Which was crazy, given how many times he had cleaned up her vomit. He should feel the exact opposite towards her.

There was too much at stake for such distractions.

Kakashi flickered back into her living room. Chiisai sat in the same place he had seen her last, but this time, with a cold compress on her forehead. Tori sat beside her, halfway through eating a ribbon.

The tension in her small shoulders was gone, but she still appeared incredibly tired. Given all that had happened the last few days, he was impressed that she hadn't had an emotional breakdown yet. Receiving the birthday present had been close, but the puking had probably distracted her.

She wasn't keeping anything down, and it was starting to worry him.

"I'd say that went well," Kakashi said, announcing himself.

She jumped, startled, and cursed under her breath. She took the cold compress off her forehead and lifted her head up. "Geez," she said, "how long have you been standing there?"

"Not long." Kakashi crossed his arms and smiled. "You two do make a nice couple," he said. "The mix of optsmism on his part and the pessimism on your end actually work. Perhaps you are Guy's type after all."

"Maybe you should go out with Koshuu, then, and I'll date Guy," she said, leaning back on the couch. Chiisai added, "We could go on double dates. Or do you and Guy have a thing? Because I'm flexible."

He flattened his eyebrows. He had just told himself there was no point in flirting, and here he was teasing her. "You're hilarious. And though I'm charmed by the idea, right now, I need to re-bandage your wounds."

Chiisai groaned and curled into the couch. "Right now?"

Even three feet away, he could smell her breath, and he fought back a grimace.

"Whining isn't going to delay it," he said nonchalantly. He nudged her leg with his foot and added, "C'mon, get to the bathroom. You should probably brush your teeth, too."

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