Sleeping on the Job

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"Should I be...concerned?" The woman asked. She looked at his state of dress and then to Chiisai. He forgot he wasn't wearing a mask. "Chiisai doesn't usually invite people over."

How the hell was he supposed to explain himself? "There's nothing to worry about ma'am." He said. "This is strictly business."

"Uh-huh." A smile played on her lips as she took in the sight of his face. "Well, your "business" seems to have worn the poor girl out." She retreated back into her apartment, giving him a knowing look. "Tell Chiisai I said hello."

She closed to door, and Kakashi sighed. He stepped into Chiisai's apartment and shut the door behind him with his foot.

Had Chiisai been pulled into someone's dream, or was it the concussion?

Too many unknown variables shifted across his mind. Kakashi set her down on the couch and pulled his shirt and mask on. He needed to let Lady Tsunade know now.

Kakashi drew out a scroll from his vest. He bit into his thumb and summoned Pakkun, who appeared in a puff of smoke.

"Oh, hey Kakashi. Whatcha need?" Pakkun scratched the back of his ear.

Kakashi zipped his vest up. "I need to report something to Lady Tsunade personally, and I need you to watch someone."

"Babysitting duty. Alright." The ninken's gaze flickered to Chiisai. "What should I do if she wakes up?"

"Keep her calm, and don't let her out of your sight." Kakashi strapped his pouch along his waist and thigh. A couple of Chiisai's journals were still in it. Good, he'd need it.

A chirrup sound came from the entryway as Tori trotted in. His gaze fell on Pakkun, and he hissed, arching his back.

"I see she's a cat person," Pakkun noted. Tori sat down, fur bristled, as he glared at the dog.

"I'll be back in a few hours. If something happens, use a hound clone to get me." Kakashi slipped his shoes on and grabbed his headband.

"Did you spend the night at her house?" Pakkun asked in a curious tone. He looked around, sniffed, and added, "I'd never thought you'd go for a cat lover."

He shook his head. "Don't assume too much, Pakkun. I'm her health aide. She's sick."

"Well, it smells of pheromones in here," he replied. "On both sides."

Kakashi stopped and turned to Pakkun. His gaze flickered to Chiisai's sleeping form, to her toned muscles and soft curves. He muttered, "That makes it worse."

Pakkun shrugged and hopped on to the arm of the couch. "What's worse- taking care of someone you're attracted to, or knowing that she's attracted to you too?" He tilted his head to the side. "I'd say that's a good thing."

"It's only good if both parties want it. And currently, neither of us do." Though he wasn't sure how true that was, given Chiisai's earlier assumption. Either way, though, he knew they both didn't need any more complications to their current situation. There were enough problems as it was.

He shook his head and went to the door. "I'll be back soon."

"Sure thing, boss." Pakkun said. "Do you think she likes dogs too?"

"I'm sure you'll find out soon," he replied.

Kakashi sighed and opened the door. He'd been sighing a lot lately, it seemed.

He needed to get it together and speak to Lady Tsunade. There was no time to wait anymore.


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