Craving the Kunai

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Chiisai's eyes widened, and she tried her best to maintain her composure. Somehow, Kakashi knew what she could do, and it was too late to run.

He said, "My friend wanted me to ask you for your number. But judging from our conversation, you don't seem to be his type, do you?"

One blink. Two blinks. The words didn't go through.

"What?" Chiisai shook her head and laughed. "Sorry, I must have misheard you."

"You didn't," he said. He smiled and leaned forward, adding, "Guy thinks you're cute."

Was he joking? And why was her face suddenly hot? Chiisai waved her hand and replied, "Yes, well, I'm flattered, but I don't do relationships. It's too much of a hassle."

"I completely agree," Kakashi nodded. He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

Her gaze flickered to the other side of the road, and she made eye contact with Mizuki. Nightmares, fears of losing her husband and sons, flickered across Chiisai's vision, as well as dreams of the third war. And there was the dream of making the best pancakes in the village- that one had been particularly strong in her younger years.

There was a smile on the older woman's face as she looked between Chiisai and Kakashi. And then, gods, Mizuki winked at her!

"Someone you know?" There was amusement in his tone, and his breath was warm in her ear.

She jumped, turning to him. He stood a hand space away from her, and heat rose on her cheeks. He smelled like clean laundry, and she chastised herself for even noticing.

"She's a coworker. I'm going to catch up to her," she said, jutting her thumb towards Mizuki. "Goodbye."

She bolted like a deer before he could respond. Mizuki brushed her graying hair behind her ear and raised her eyebrows as she approached. "My, my, Chiisai, what have you been up to?"

"That's none of your business. But, just so you know, he was only walking me to work." She paused, readjusted her bag, and then added, "We met five minutes ago."

"Uh-huh." The woman said. "I thought you disliked shinobi."

"That still stands," Chiisai said. "Except for you, but you were a medic nin. It's different. Anyway, I think he was seeing if I was his friend's type. Here, let me get that for you." Chiisai picked up the extra bag she was carrying. It was heavier than she thought it was, and she glanced down at its zipper. "What's in this thing?"

"You'll see."

Chiisai frowned and turned her head back down the road, but Kakashi was gone.

Her secret was safe.


Kakashi stepped into the bookstore and headed to his favorite genre section, peering through the shelves in search for a book he hadn't read. After all, the weekend's forecast called for 90% chance of rain, and he didn't have a mission. What else was there to do? It was nights like these where, if left to his own devices, he would dwell all night on the past- especially given this year's recent events.

This morning was a fun distraction. Saving a woman from a mouth full of dirt was surprisingly entertaining, and she wasn't bad on the eyes either. She seemed constantly flustered around him, and he had enjoyed the innocent flirtation, though she had acted odd several times. Either way, it had been a welcome exchange from his friends' constant concerns for him and the disbandment of his team.

He doubted Guy would even remember her once he came back from his mission.

But now Kakashi had serious matters to attend to- like discovering Orochimaru's whereabouts. Not to mention the rising organization of rogue ninja. If only Lady Tsunade hadn't forced him to take the next week off. He must be pretty bad off, to be called off at such a time in the Leaf's history. Something must have slipped in his reports- were they too disassociated? He had barely any time off after his recovery from Itachi's Mangeyko Sharingan, which made the situation even more confusing.

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